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Advanced Networking Concepts Applied Using Linux on System z: Overview of Virtualization and Networking

27 February 2013, Web Doc

This IBM® Redbooks® publication provides an overview of IBM System z® virtualization and networking when using Linux on System z.

Using Oracle Solutions on Linux for System z

09 April 2008, Redbooks

Linux on System z offers many advantages to customers who rely upon the IBM mainframe systems to run their businesses. Linux for System z takes advantage of the qualities of service in the System z hardware and in z/VM, making it a robust industrial strength Linux. This provides an excellent platform for hosting Oracle solutions that run in your enterprise. This IBM Redbooks publication ...

Experiences with Oracle 11gR2 on Linux on System z

22 November 2013, Redbooks

Linux on System z offers many advantages to customers who rely on the IBM® mainframe systems to run their businesses. Linux on System z makes use of the qualities of service in the System z® hardware and in z/VM®, making it a robust industrial strength Linux. This provides an excellent platform for hosting Oracle solutions that run in your enterprise. This IBM Redbooks® publication is divided ...

Using the Oracle Grid Control Server with a Database on Linux for System z

27 October 2008, Redpaper

There are several ways to manage an Oracle® database running on Linux® on System z® . This paper describes how to use the agent that is shipped with the database. In our example we installed a database on SLES10. The Oracle Grid Control Server does not run on Linux on System z. You can use a platform such as x86 Linux to run the Grid Control Server to manage the databases and applications ...

Accounting and Monitoring for z/VM Linux guest machines

10 May 2004, Redpaper

This IBM Redpaper is intended for clients working with Linux for zSeries under z/VM in a proof of concept or pilot phase. We illustrate a basic accounting and system monitoring implementation to collect and correlate data from both z/VM and Linux. The first part of this paper illustrates how to set up basic accounting. The second part introduces monitoring concepts that allow clients to estimate ...

Experiences with Oracle Solutions on Linux for IBM System z

28 May 2009, Redbooks

Linux® for System z® offers many advantages to customers who rely upon the IBM® mainframe systems to run their businesses. Linux for System z takes advantage of the qualities of service in the System z hardware and in z/VM® , making it a robust industrial strength Linux. This provides an excellent platform for hosting Oracle® solutions that run in your enterprise. This IBM Redbooks® publication ...

z/VM and Linux Operations for z/OS System Programmers

28 October 2008, Redbooks

This IBM Redbooks publication discusses z/VM and Linux operations from the perspective of the z/OS programmer or system programmer. Although other books have been written about many of these topics, this book gives enough information about each topic to describe z/VM and Linux on IBM System z operations to somebody who is new to both environments. This book is intended for z/OS programmers and ...

Where are the LUN numbers on a DS8000?

02 March 2006, Web Doc

This Technote describes how to define SCSI LUNs to Linux on IBM System z.

Advanced Networking Concepts Applied Using Linux on System z: Changes to Implementing the Bonding Module

29 March 2013, Web Doc

There are changes to using channel bonding interfaces introduced with SLES 11 SP 2. Eric Marins, an IBM® IT Specialist for Linux on IBM System z®, offers insight into these changes with the following updates to section 4.2 of the IBM Redbooks® publication Advanced Networking Concepts Applied Using Linux on IBM System z, SG24-7995.

Achieving High Availability on Linux for System z with Linux-HA Release 2

14 April 2009, Redbooks

As Linux® on System z® becomes more prevalent and mainstream in the industry, the need for it to deliver higher levels of availability is increasing. IBM® supports the High Availability Linux (Linux-HA) project, which provides high availability functions to the open source community. One component of the Linux-HA project is the Heartbeat program, which runs on every known Linux platform. ...

Sharing and maintaining Linux under z/VM

05 February 2008, Redpaper

Large operating systems, such as z/OS , have, for several decades, taken advantage of shared file structures. The benefits of a shared file structure are reduced disk space, simplified maintenance, and simplified systems management. This IBM Redpaper describes how to create a Linux solution with shared file systems on IBM System z hardware (the mainframe) running under z/VM. It also describes a ...

Security for Linux on System z: Securing Your Network

22 February 2013, Web Doc

The best practices to manage IT security are already documented by several sources. The practices can certainly be used to also secure Linux on System z. However, when you define the security policies, consider several unique technologies that this platform uses. These technologies can potentially harden the overall security by providing centralized management capabilities and reducing the number ...

IBM z/VM and Linux on IBM System z: Virtualization Cookbook for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4

22 September 2006, Redbooks

In this IBM Redbooks publication, we assume that you have a general familiarity with IBM eServer zSeries technology and terminology. We do not assume that you have an in-depth understanding of z/VM and Linux. This book is written for those who want to get a quick start with z/VM and Linux on the mainframe. This book describes how to set up your own Linux virtual servers on zSeries and IBM ...

z/VM and Linux on IBM System z: The Virtualization Cookbook for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.0

18 February 2011, Redbooks

This IBM® Redbooks® publication describes how to create Linux® virtual servers in IBM z/VM® on IBM System z® hardware. This book adopts a cookbook format that provides a concise, repeatable set of procedures for installing and configuring z/VM in a logical partition (LPAR) and then installing and customizing Linux. You need an IBM System z LPAR with the associated resources, z/VM V6.1 media, and ...

Linux for IBM System z9 and IBM zSeries

25 January 2006, Redbooks

This IBM Redbooks publication discusses configuring and administering Linux systems running on IBM System z9 and zSeries. It is intended for system administrators and IT architects responsible for deploying Linux servers on System z9 and zSeries servers. We examine new features and enhancements of the Linux 2.6 kernel. We demonstrate Linux device configuration using sysfs and udev and ...

z/VM and Linux on IBM System z: The Virtualization Cookbook for SLES 11 SP1

22 February 2011, Redbooks

This IBM® Redbooks® publication describes how to create your own Linux® virtual servers on IBM System z® hardware under z/VM®. It adopts a cookbook format that provides a concise, repeatable set of procedures for installing and configuring z/VM in an LPAR and then installing and customizing Linux. You need an IBM System z logical partition (LPAR) with associated resources, z/VM 6.1 media, and ...

z/VM and Linux on IBM System z: The Virtualization Cookbook for SLES9

18 April 2006, Redbooks

This IBM IBM Redbooks publication describes how to setup your own Linux virtual servers on IBM zSeries and System z9 under z/VM . It adopts a cookbook format that provides a clearly documented set of procedures for installing and configuring z/VM in an LPAR and then installing and customizing Linux. You need a zSeries logical partition (LPAR) with associated resources, z/VM 5.2 media, and a Linux ...

Configuring Logical Volume Management (LVM) on Linux for zSeries

08 October 2009, Web Doc

Minidisks on z/VM cannot span more than one physical DASD volume. Without a volume management system, this limits the size of a file system on Linux for zSeries to the size of a DASD volume. For a 3390 model 3, this translates to 2.3GB of available space for a Linux file system. Volume management systems allow multiple DASD devices to be combined into a single Linux file system (and thereby ...

Linux on System z: An Ideal Platform to Migrate Your IT Workload

26 June 2014, Web Doc

There are many reasons why you might want to optimize your servers through virtualization using Linux on IBM® System z®: Too many distributed physical servers with low utilization A lengthy provisioning process that delays the implementation of new applications Limitations in data center power and floor space High total cost of ownership (TCO) Difficulty allocating ...

Linux on IBM eServer zSeries and S/390: Managing a Samba Server from z/VM

25 February 2003, Redpaper

This Redpaper describes a z/VM front-end for managing a Linux Samba file server. For shops that have substantial mainframe skills but UNIX skills that are not as strong, managing a Samba server, even with the Samba Web Administration Tool, or SWAT, can be challenging. The z/VM front-end tool described in this paper, EXLNXID, allows you to maintain a Samba Linux system from a z/VM user ID running ...

Linux on IBM System z: Performance Measurement and Tuning

28 December 2011, Redbooks

This IBM® Redbooks® publication discusses performance measurement and tuning for Linux for System z®. It is intended to help system administrators responsible for deploying Linux for System z understand the factors that influence system performance when running Linux as a z/VM® guest. This book starts by reviewing some of the basics involved in a well-running Linux for System z system. An ...

z/VM and Linux on IBM System z The Virtualization Cookbook for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.2

04 November 2008, Redbooks

This IBM Redbooks publication describes how to roll your own Linux virtual servers on IBM System z hardware under z/VM. This edition applies to Version 5, Release 4, Modification 0 of z/VM (product number 5741-A05) and Version 5, Release 2 of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. With a z/VM and Linux infrastructure, you can reduce the time between deciding on the acquisition of new servers and then ...

Using Discontiguous Shared Segments and XIP2 Filesystems With Oracle Database 10g on Linux for IBM System z

30 June 2006, Redbooks

Linux on IBM System z offers many advantages to customers who rely on IBM mainframe systems to run their businesses. Linux on IBM System z takes advantage of the qualities of service in the IBM System z hardware and in z/VM - making it a robust industrial strength Linux. This provides an excellent platform for consolidating Oracle databases that exist in your enterprise. This IBM Redbooks ...

Linux Systems Management Using Aduva Director

07 October 2002, Redpaper

This Redpaper provides an overview of Aduva Director and how it can be used to simplify management tasks. We look at how Aduva Director can be used to manage Linux images running on z/Series under z/VM. Aduva Director lets you centrally configure, manage, and monitor multiple Linux images within an S/390 or zSeries mainframe system.

The Virtualization Cookbook for IBM z Systems Volume 3: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12

06 May 2016, Redbooks

This IBM® Redbooks® publication is Volume 3 of a series of three books called The Virtualization Cookbook for IBM z Systems . The other two volumes are called: The Virtualization Cookbook for IBM z Systems Volume 1: IBM z/VM 6.3 , SG24-8147 The Virtualization Cookbook for IBM z Systems Volume 2: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1 Servers , SG24-8303 It is suggested that you ...

IBM System z Personal Development Tool: Volume 3 Additional Topics

29 June 2013, Redbooks

This IBM® Redbooks® publication introduces the IBM System z® Personal Development Tool (zPDT), which runs on an underlying Linux system based on an Intel processor. zPDT provides a System z system on a PC capable of running current System z operating systems, including emulation of selected System z I/O devices and control units. It is intended as a development, demonstration, and learning ...

Getting Started with Linux on Z Encryption for Data At-Rest

08 April 2019, Redbooks

This IBM® Redbooks® publication provides a general explanation of data protection through encryption and IBM Z® pervasive encryption with a focus on Linux on IBM Z encryption for data at-rest. It also describes how the various hardware and software components interact in a Linux on Z encryption environment for . In addition, this book concentrates on the planning and preparing of the ...

Problem Determination for Linux on System z

25 August 2008, Redbooks

This IBM Redbooks publication addresses some of the common problems that customers have experienced on the Linux® on System z™ platform. This book provides a problem determination methodology and tools to help the reader diagnose the problem in an easy-to-read self-help manual. We start with a discussion on how to approach problem solving in the Linux on System z environment and continue on ...

Using z/VM for Test and Development Environments: A Roundup

27 February 2007, Redbooks

This IBM Redbooks publication shows the strengths of z/VM and how you can use these strengths to create a highly flexible test and production environment. Some of the strengths of z/VM that are shown in this book are that you can run Linux on z/VM, you can run a sysplex under z/VM, and you can develop code under z/VM for z/TPF. You can also provision Linux guests under z/VM. A vswitch allows ...

The Virtualization Cookbook for z/VM 6.3, RHEL 6.4, and SLES 11 SP3: Preview

26 January 2016, Web Doc

The IBM® Redbooks® publication The Virtualization Cookbook for z/VM 6.3, RHEL 6.4, and SLES 11 SP3, SG24-8147 explains how to set up your own Linux virtual servers on IBM System z® hardware under IBM z/VM® by using step-by-step instructions. It adopts a cookbook format that provides a concise, repeatable set of procedures for installing and configuring z/VM in an LPAR and then installing and ...

z/VM and Linux on IBM System z The Virtualization Cookbook for SLES 10 SP2

04 November 2008, Redbooks

This IBM Redbooks publication describes how to roll your own Linux virtual servers on IBM System z hardware under z/VM. This edition applies to Version 5, Release 4, Modification 0 of z/VM (product number 5741-A05) and Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) Version 10, Service Pack 2 (SP2). With a z/VM and Linux infrastructure, you can reduce the time between deciding on the acquisition of ...

SAP on DB2 9 for z/OS: Implementing Application Servers on Linux for System z

28 April 2009, Redbooks

The power of the IBM System z, combined with the flexibility of Linux on System z, provides the ideal platform on which to implement SAP application servers. System z provides the benefits of continuous availability, high performance, scalability, and ease of management; these qualities support and complement mission-critical SAP business applications. This IBM Redbooks publication focuses on ...

z/VSE Using DB2 on Linux for System z

03 February 2010, Redbooks

Data is one the most critical and valuable assets of a business. Critical strategic decisions can be made more quickly and effectively when they are based on complete, accurate, and timely operational data. From this point of view, it is important to have an enterprise data management architecture that supports a flexible global view of the business. Many environments today are heterogeneous ...

End-to-End High Availability Solution for System z from a Linux Perspective

30 October 2014, Redbooks

As Linux on System z becomes more prevalent and mainstream in the industry, the need for it to deliver higher levels of availability is increasing. This IBM Redbooks publication starts with an explanation of high availability (HA) fundamentals such as HA concepts and terminology. It continues with a discussion of why a business needs to consider an HA solution and then explains how to ...

Understanding IBM Spectrum Scale for Linux on z Systems (Express Edition)

16 February 2015, Web Doc

New IBM Spectrum Scale for Linux on z Systems is an extremely powerful file system that is based on the IBM General Parallel File System (GPFS™) technology, which is a proven, scalable, high-performance data and file management solution, and it is also enabled for technical computing, Big Data & Analytics, and Cloud. IBM Spectrum Scale for Linux on z Systems is being used extensively across ...

Linux on IBM eServer zSeries and S/390: Best Security Practices

21 May 2004, Redbooks

This IBM Redbooks publication discusses best security practices for running Linux as a z/VM guest on IBM eServer zSeries and S/390 machines. This publication is intended for system administrators and IT architects responsible for deploying secure Linux servers running under z/VM. We consider both z/VM and Linux security topics. We examine the unique security and integrity features zSeries ...

Fibre Channel Protocol for Linux and z/VM on IBM System z

11 January 2008, Redbooks

This IBM® Redbooks® publication builds upon the existing Linux on zSeries: Fibre Channel Protocol Implementation Guide, SG24-6344, to produce a System z™ book that includes (among other things): - A general introduction to Fibre Channel Protocol (FCP) concepts - Operating system support and usage - FCP naming and addressing - FCP devices in the 2.6 Linux® kernel - N-Port ID Virtualization - ...

Practical Migration to Linux on System z

29 January 2010, Redbooks

There are many reasons why you would want to optimize your servers through virtualization using Linux® on System z®: - Too many distributed physical servers with low utilization - A lengthy provisioning process that delays the implementation of new applications - Limitations in data center power and floor space - High Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) - Difficulty allocating processing power ...

Security for Linux on System z

10 January 2013, Redbooks

No IT server platform is 100% secure and useful at the same time. If your server is installed in a secure vault, three floors underground in a double-locked room, not connected to any network and switched off, one would say it was reasonably secure, but it would be a stretch to call it useful. This IBM® Redbooks® publication is about switching on the power to your Linux® on System z® server, ...

Installing Oracle 10gR2 on Red Hat 5 Linux on IBM System z

08 December 2008, Redpaper

This IBM® Redpaper® publication provides the steps to install a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Linux® guest to support an Oracle® 10gR2 Database. We assume that you are performing a new installation, not updating a Red Hat 4 and Oracle database to Red Hat 5 and Oracle

Linux on IBM eServer zSeries and S/390: TCP/IP Broadcast on z/VM Guest LAN

31 January 2003, Redpaper

This Redpaper provides information to help readers plan for and exploit Internet Protocol (IP) broadcast support that was made available to z/VM Guest LAN environments with the introduction of the z/VM 4.3 Operating System. Using IP broadcast support, Linux guests can for the first time use DHCP to lease an IP address dynamically from a DHCP server in a z/VM Guest LAN environment. This frees ...

The Virtualization Cookbook for IBM Z Volume 1: IBM z/VM 7.2

11 November 2024, Redbooks

This IBM® Redbooks® publication is volume one of five in a series of books entitled The Virtualization Cookbook for IBM Z. The series includes the following volumes: The Virtualization Cookbook for IBM z Systems® Volume 1: IBM z/VM® 7.2, SG24-8147 The Virtualization Cookbook for IBM Z Volume 2: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2 Servers, SG24-8303 The Virtualization Cookbook for IBM z ...

Experiences with Oracle Database 12c Release 1 on Linux on System z

13 May 2014, Redbooks

Oracle Database 12c Release 1 is now supported on Linux on IBM® System z®. This platform offers many advantages to customers who rely upon the IBM mainframe systems to run their businesses. Linux on System z takes advantage of the qualities of service in the System z hardware and in IBM z/VM®, making it a robust industrial strength version of Linux. This provides an excellent platform for hosting ...

Linux for IBM eServer zSeries and S/390: Distributions

20 September 2001, Redbooks

This IBM Redbooks publication describes the Linux distributions available for the mainframe. It will help you to install, customize and maintain the following distributions: -) SuSE Linux Enterprise Server for S/390 -) Turbolinux server for zSeries and S/390 -) Red Hat Linux for S/390 -) Marist File System -) Caiman Linux -) Think Blue Linux We address installation and usage of Linux ...

IBM System z Personal Development Tool: Volume 2 Installation and Basic Use

19 June 2013, Redbooks

This IBM® Redbooks® publication introduces the IBM System z® Personal Development Tool (zPDT®), which runs on an underlying Linux system based on an Intel processor. zPDT provides a System z system on a PC capable of running current System z operating systems, including emulation of selected System z I/O devices and control units. It is intended as a development, demonstration, and learning ...

Linux on IBM eServer zSeries and S/390: Cloning Linux Images in z/VM

03 September 2002, Redpaper

There are many ways to clone multiple Linux for eServer zSeries images under a zVM system. This Redpaper discusses and expands on one example of this process, and is intended to help customers create many Linux for zSeries systems in a repeatable manner, with minimal effort.

Leveraging IBM Cognos 8 BI for Linux on IBM System z

01 February 2010, Redbooks

In this IBM® Redbooks® publication, we describe the role Cognos® plays in an Information On Demand (IOD) solution for IBM System z® and detail the functions of IBM Cognos 8 BI for Linux® on System z in current deployment scenarios. We show typical deployment architectures that show how to access disparate data sources both on and off the System z platform and show how the functions of the Cognos ...

IBM System z Personal Development Tool: Volume 1 Introduction and Reference

24 June 2013, Redbooks

This IBM® Redbooks® publication introduces the IBM System z® Personal Development Tool (zPDT), which runs on an underlying Linux system based on an Intel processor. zPDT provides a System z system on a PC capable of running current System z operating systems, including emulation of selected System z I/O devices and control units. It is intended as a development, demonstration, and learning ...

The Virtualization Cookbook for IBM Z Volume 2: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2

19 October 2021, Redbooks

This IBM® Redbooks® publication is Volume 2 of a five-volume series of books entitled The Virtualization Cookbook for IBM Z®. This volume includes the following chapters: Chapter 1, “Installing Red Hat Enterprise Linux on LNXADMIN” on page 3, describes how to install and configure Red Hat Enterprise Linux onto the Linux Administration server, which performs the cloning and other ...

Advanced Networking Concepts Applied Using Linux on IBM System z

06 March 2012, Redbooks

This IBM® Redbooks® publication describes important networking concepts and industry standards that are used to support high availability on IBM System z®. Some of the networking standards described here are VLANs, VLAN trunking, link aggregation, virtual switches, VNICs, and load-balancing. We examine the various aspects of network setups and introduce the main Linux on System z networking ...

Running Linux Guest in less than CP Privilege Class G

11 June 2004, Redpaper

This paper provides guidance for hardening a z/VM system running Linux virtual machines in a hostile environment. Access to specific CP commands and resources is granted to a VM user based on the privilege classes assigned to the user. Good security practices dictate that a VM user should be granted as low a privilege class as possible. Linux virtual machines typically run in the lowest default ...

Provisioning Linux on IBM System z with Tivoli Service Automation Manager

04 May 2010, Redpaper

This IBM® Redpaper™ document describes a methodology that Linux® on IBM System z® users can employ to perform system provisioning tasks while creating the system management infrastructure required for cloud computing. Cloud computing offers dynamically scalable IT resources, on demand self-service, network access, rapid up and down scalability, resource pooling, flexibility, and pay per use. ...

Linux for S/390

21 March 2002, Redbooks

The strengths of S/390 are well known: rock-solid reliability, the ability to run multiple diverse workloads, and highly scalable technology make S/390 an ideal choice for hosting key e-business applications. Now Linux has joined the S/390 family of operating systems, bringing a wealth of open source applications, middleware, and trained developers to help you respond to your business challenges ...

Enhanced Networking on IBM z/VSE

31 December 2014, Redbooks

The importance of modern computer networks is steadily growing as increasing amounts of data are exchanged over company intranets and the Internet. Understanding current networking technologies and communication protocols that are available for the IBM® mainframe and System z® operating systems is essential for setting up your network infrastructure with IBM z/VSE®. This IBM Redbooks® ...

DB2 10 for Linux on System z Using z/VM v6.2, Single System Image Clusters and Live Guest Relocation

04 November 2012, Redbooks

IBM® z/VM® 6.2 introduced significant changes to z/VM with a multi-system clustering technology that allows up to four z/VM instances in a single system image (SSI) cluster. This technology is important because it offers you an attractive alternative to vertical growth by adding new z/VM systems. In the past, this capability required duplicate efforts to install, maintain, and manage each system. ...

Linux on IBM eServer zSeries and S/390: Large Scale Linux Deployment

17 October 2002, Redbooks

This IBM Redbooks publication discusses techniques available for building a large farm of Linux servers running under zVM (a "penguin colony"). It has been developed for system administrators and I/T architects who are responsible for developing optimized solutions for large Linux systems installed on IBM eServer zSeries and S/390 machines. The book is divided into three parts. We first discuss ...

Lotus Domino 7 on Linux for IBM System z: Capacity Planning and Performance Updates

29 December 2006, Redpaper

In early 2005, the Scalability Center for Linux on zSeries (SCL) in Poughkeepsie performed a study on IBM Lotus Domino 6.5 for Linux on IBM System z. During that study, capacity planning and performance data was collected using an industry-standard benchmarking tool to drive both NRPC (Notes) and Domino Web Access (HTTP) e-mail users. The results of this benchmark showed two bottlenecks that ...

Linux on IBM eServer zSeries and S/390: ISP/ASP Solutions

20 December 2001, Redbooks

This IBM Redbooks publication describes how Linux can be combined with z/VM on zSeries and S/390 hardware - the mainframe. This combination of hardware and operating systems enables Internet Service Providers (ISP) and Application Service providers (ASP) to more efficiently provide services. We assume a broad definition of ASP to include production enterprise solutions as simple as file serving. ...

IBM Lotus Domino 6.5 for Linux on zSeries Implementation

22 December 2004, Redbooks

This IBM Redbooks publication will help the reader plan for, install, and configure the new IBM Lotus Domino 6.5 product on an IBM eServer zSeries system running Linux. We discuss why you should consider running Domino for Linux on zSeries, and list the advantages of running Linux in a guest under z/VM . We then describe the structure of running Domino for Linux on zSeries for those who are ...

IBM Spectrum Scale (GPFS) for Linux on z Systems

14 April 2016, Redpaper

This IBM® Redpaper™ publication describes IBM Spectrum Scale™ for Linux on z Systems™. This paper helps you install and configure IBM Spectrum Scale (formerly GPFS™) in a disaster recovery configuration. Scenario testing is described for various events: Site failure, storage failure, node failure. Recovery procedures from each tested scenario are provided. This paper also provides an ...

IBM Wave for z/VM: An Introduction

24 February 2014, Web Doc

IBM® Wave is a z/VM® hypervisor manager product that was acquired when IBM acquired CSI International. This product provides a graphical interface tool that simplifies management and administration of z/VM and Linux environments on IBM System z®. The scope of IBM Wave can span multiple logical partitions (LPARs), SSI clusters, and servers. This IBM Redbooks® Solution Guide provides an overview of ...

Getting started with z/OS Container Extensions and Docker

12 July 2021, Redbooks

IBM® z/OS® Container Extensions (IBM zCX) is a new feature of the next version of the IBM z/OS Operating System (z/OS V2.4). It makes it possible to run Linux on IBM Z® applications that are packaged as Docker container images on z/OS. Application developers can develop, and data centers can operate, popular open source packages, Linux applications, IBM software, and third-party software together ...

Practical Migration from x86 to Linux on IBM Z

18 September 2024, Redbooks

There are many reasons why you would want to optimize your servers through virtualization using Linux on IBM Z®: Too many distributed physical servers with low utilization A lengthy provisioning process that delays the implementation of new applications Limitations in data center power and floor space High total cost of ownership (TCO) Difficulty allocating processing power ...

Security on z/VM

05 December 2007, Redbooks

Discussions about server sprawl, rising software costs, going green, or moving data centers to reduce the cost of business are held in many meetings or conference calls in many organizations throughout the world. And many organizations are starting to turn toward System z™ and z/VM® after such discussions. The virtual machine operating system has over 40 years of experience as a hosting platform ...

Configuring Fibre Channel Protocol on IBM LinuxONE and IBM Z to IBM FlashSystem Storage

25 March 2025, Redpaper

IBM® LinuxONE and Z platforms offer support for open systems Fibre Channel Protocol (FCP) networks and subsystems, enabling their use for block storage provisioning for Linux and select z/VM® workloads. This IBM Redpaper provides a comprehensive guide to the hardware configuration and enablement of FCP for Linux environments. This document is intended for IBM Z® and LinuxONE system ...

Running Linux on IBM System z9 and zSeries under z/VM

21 February 2006, Redbooks

This IBM Redbooks publication discusses running Linux under z/VM on IBM System z9 and zSeries platforms. We describe enhancements available in z/VM Version 5.1. The intended audience for this book is IT administrators responsible for installing and configuring z/VM 5.1 systems running Linux guests. Using Fibre Channel Protocol (FCP), z/VM 5/1 can be installed on and operate from SCSI disks. ...

Scale up for Linux on IBM Z

12 December 2017, Redpaper

This book was written by IBM® IT specialists who have experience implementing IBM Z® solutions, especially Linux on IBM LinuxONE™ (LinuxONE) or IBM Z servers. Therefore, the content of this book follows the guidelines from Linux and IBM z/VM® regarding LinuxONE and IBM Z installations. The preferred practices described in this book are gathered from the experiences of those specialists in ...

Using Cryptographic Adapters for Web Servers with Linux on IBM System z9 and zSeries

22 February 2006, Redpaper

This IBM Redpaper describes how to configure Web servers (such as Apache2 and IBM HTTP server) to use hardware cryptographic devices in Linux running on IBM System z9 and zSeries platforms. Hardware cryptographic cards are used to improve SSL performance during SSL handshaking. RedHat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server distributions include packages to use these ...

Networking Overview for Linux on zSeries

09 December 2004, Redpaper

As new hardware is introduced and z/VM virtualization technology evolves, an ever-increasing number of networking options are available to the Linux on zSeries operating system. Depending on when you implemented Linux on zSeries, the networking infrastructure you chose might now be superseded by a more advanced technology. This IBM Redpaper provides an overview of the different networking options ...

Silent Installation Experiences with Oracle Database 11gR2 Real Application Clusters on Linux on System z

24 May 2012, Redpaper

This IBM® Redpaper™ publication includes information about Version Oracle Database on Linux on IBM System z®. It describes our experiences when we installed a two-node Oracle Grid infrastructure in silent mode with a response file on Linux. It also describes our experiences when we installed Oracle Real Application Clusters (RACs) and created a database on two nodes. The silent ...

Linux on IBM eServer zSeries and S/390: Application Development

05 August 2002, Redbooks

This IBM Redbooks publication describes application development for Linux on the IBM eServer zSeries platform. The target audience is application developers writing primarily in C/C++ and Java. The Linux development environment for zSeries is quite similar to the development environment on other platforms running Linux since the operating system services and development tools share a common ...

Oracle on IBM Z

26 July 2018, Redbooks

Oracle Database 12c Release 1 running on Linux is available for deployment on the IBM Z™ family of servers. The enterprise-grade Linux on IBM Z solution is designed to add value to Oracle Database solutions, including the new functions that are introduced in Oracle Database 12c. In this IBM Redbooks® publication, we explore the IBM and Oracle Alliance and describe how Oracle Database ...

An Introduction to z/VM Single System Image (SSI) and Live Guest Relocation (LGR)

31 March 2016, Redbooks

IBM® z/VM® 6.2 introduces significant changes to z/VM in the form of multi-system clustering technology allowing up to four z/VM instances in a single system image (SSI) cluster. This technology is important, because it offers clients an attractive alternative to vertical growth by adding new z/VM systems. In the past, this capability required duplicate efforts to install, maintain, and manage ...

SSL Server Implementation for z/VM 5.2

18 October 2007, Redpaper

This IBM Redpaper publication gives a broad understanding of how to set up and configure the SSL server of z/VM 5.2 in a short time frame. It also provides an easy method to protect the communication to z/VM server, especially for administrative tasks, thus increasing the total security and protection of the z/VM system. Sensitive information such as passwords from administrators are protected ...

z/VM on an EFS Base: Getting Started

28 April 2004, Redbooks

This IBM Redbooks publication provides a basic introduction to z/VM usage in a specific environment and assumes the use of a particular z/VM implementation (which is described in detail). With this starting point, we discuss the initial structure of z/VM and describe a number of common tasks (step by step) along with the rationale for these tasks. The user is assumed to have a common z/OS ...

Multiple z/OS Virtual Machines on z/VM

13 April 2009, Redpaper

This IBM Redpaper describes some of the possible ways to configure a z/VM system and a set of z/OS virtual machines for use in testing z/OS-based tools and products. By supplying each tester with their own virtual machine, one tester has little or no impact on others. This material is based on 15 years of experience in operating a z/OS test environment on z/VM for developing and testing z/OS ...

Reduce Risk and Improve Security on IBM Mainframes: Volume 1 Architecture and Platform Security

22 March 2016, Redbooks

This IBM® Redbooks® publication documents the strength and value of the IBM security strategy with IBM System z® hardware and software. In an age of increasing security consciousness, IBM System z provides the capabilities to address the needs of today's business security challenges. This publication explores how System z hardware is designed to provide integrity, process isolation, and ...

Introduction to the New Mainframe: z/VM Basics

10 January 2008, Redbooks

This textbook provides students with the background knowledge and skills necessary to begin using the basic functions and features of z/VM Version 5, Release 3. It is part of a series of textbooks designed to introduce students to mainframe concepts and help prepare them for a career in large systems computing. For optimal learning, students are assumed to be literate in personal computing and ...

The Mixed Platform Stack Project: Deploying a Secure SOA Solution into z/OS and Mixed z/OS and AIX Environments

04 May 2009, Redbooks

The IBM® System z® platform is the strategic core of business world wide. By using a realistic customer scenario, two IBM teams ventured to demonstrate how to deploy the IBM service-oriented architecture (SOA) portfolio on IBM z/OS® and on z/OS in partnership with additional platforms such as AIX® and Linux® for System z. The teams created the experience that is documented in this IBM Redbooks® ...

Using IBM System z As the Foundation for Your Information Management Architecture

08 April 2011, Redguide

Many companies have built data warehouses (DWs) and have embraced business intelligence (BI) and analytics solutions. Even as companies have accumulated huge amounts of data, however, it remains difficult to provide trusted information at the right time and in the right place. The amount of data collected and available throughout the enterprise continues to grow even as the complexity and urgency ...

The Value and Benefits of IBM InfoSphere BigInsights Running on IBM System z

26 November 2014, Web Doc

New technologies, such as Hadoop, use a map/reduce paradigm that enables parallel processing of massive volumes of differently structured data that is spread across potentially hundreds and thousands of nodes. This breaks down the analysis of seemingly unmanageable data volumes into small discrete analytics jobs, and then the reduced result sets are combined to provide the complete answer. This ...

Experiences with Oracle 10g Database for Linux on zSeries

08 September 2005, Redbooks

Linux on zSeries offers many advantages to customers who rely upon IBM mainframe systems to run their businesses. Linux on zSeries takes advantage of the qualities of service in the zSeries hardware—making it a robust industrial strength Linux. This provides an excellent platform for consolidating Oracle databases that exist in your enterprise. This IBM Redbooks publication describes ...

Virtualization Cookbook for IBM Z Volume 5: KVM

27 November 2023, Redbooks

This IBM® Redbooks® publication provides a broad explanation of the kernel-based virtual machine (KVM) on IBM Z® and how it can use the z/Architecture®. It focuses on the planning of the environment and provides installation and configuration definitions that are necessary to build, manage, and monitor a KVM on Z environment. This publication applies to the supported Linux on Z distributions ...

ISV IBM zPDT Guide and Reference

13 December 2022, Redbooks

This IBM® Redbooks® publication provides both introductory information and technical details for ISV IBM Z® Program Development Tool (IBM zPDT®), which produces a small IBM zSystems environment that is suitable for application development. ISV zPDT is a personal computer (PC) Linux application. When ISV zPDT is installed on Linux, normal IBM zSystems operating systems (such as IBM z/OS®) may be ...

IBM Communication Controller for Linux on System z V1.2.1 Implementation Guide

08 April 2010, Redbooks

This IBM Redbooks publication will help you to install, tailor, and configure the IBM Communication Controller for Linux on System z (CCL) V1.2.1. It focuses on the migration of IBM 3745/46 hardware functions and the IBM Network Control Program (NCP) to a CCL environment, and gives easy-to-understand, step-by-step guidance. The publication provides information to assist you with the planning, ...

Installing Oracle 11gR2 RAC on Linux on System z

22 November 2011, Redpaper

This IBM® Redpaper™ publication describes experiences gained while installing Oracle Database 11gR2 with Grid Infrastructure (GI). It covers the set up and installation process for these environments: Setting up Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 with DASD Setting up Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 with FCP/SCSI Setting up SLES11 with DASD Setting up SLES11 with FCP/SCSI disks Examples ...

Set up Linux on IBM System z for Production

25 November 2013, Redbooks

This IBM® Redbooks® publication shows the power of IBM System z® virtualization and flexibility in sharing resources in a flexible production environment. In this book, we outline the planning and setup of Linux on System z to move from a development or test environment into production. As an example, we use one logical partition (LPAR) with shared CPUs with memory for a production environment ...

End-to-end Automation with IBM Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms

14 December 2005, Redbooks

IBM Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms monitors and automates applications distributed across Linux® , AIX® , and z/OS operating systems by introducing a new product structure with two major components: - IBM Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms Base Component Provides high availability and disaster recovery capabilities for Linux, Linux on zSeries and AIX clusters. ...

Performance Test of Virtual Linux Desktop Cloud Services on System z

05 February 2010, Redpaper

Cloud computing is an evolutionary deployment model for IT and business assets. For the user, cloud computing delivers flexible business models by providing consumable and affordable services that are invoked and accessed through self-service Web 2.0 portals. For the provider, cloud computing enables the delivery of IT and business assets that are operationally efficient and highly virtualized. ...

Linux on IBM eServer zSeries and S/390: Performance Toolkit for VM

05 August 2004, Redbooks

This IBM Redbooks publication discusses Performance Toolkit for VM, a performance monitoring and analysis tool for z/VM. Derived from the earlier FCON/ESA product, Performance Toolkit for VM enables system administrators to collect and analyze VM performance data. Both real-time and history data can be processed by Performance Toolkit for VM, and it provides most of the functions that are ...

IBM z/OS Container Extensions (zCX) Use Cases

12 July 2021, Redbooks

Is it time for you to modernize your IBM® z/OS® applications to allow for access to an entire system of open source and Linux on IBM Z® workloads? Is co-location of these workloads on the z/OS platform with no porting requirements of value to you? Your open source or Linux on IBM Z software can benefit from being co-located and managed inside a z/OS environment; leveraging z/OS quality of ...

IBM System Storage DS8000: Host Attachment and Interoperability

15 February 2013, Redbooks

This IBM® Redbooks® publication addresses host attachment and interoperability considerations for the IBM System Storage® DS8000® series. Within this book, you can find information about the most popular host operating systems platforms, including Windows®, IBM AIX®, VIOS, Linux®, Solaris, HP-UX, VMware, Apple, and IBM z/OS® The topics covered in this book target administrators or other ...

IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack on z Systems V4.2

22 September 2015, Redbooks

IBM® Cloud Manager with OpenStack for z Systems™, V4.2 is an easy-to-use cloud management solution that serves as a control point for cloud managed resources based on the OpenStack Juno distribution. IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack for z Systems, V4.2 can operate as a cloud management hub that can manage IBM z Systems™, IBM Power Systems™, and x86 resources from a central point of control. ...

Linux on the IBM eServer iSeries Server: An Implementation Guide

03 July 2002, Redbooks

Running Linux on the IBM eServer iSeries server combines the strengths of Linux and OS/400 for an integrated solution. Linux delivers excellent open source solutions, while OS/400 is a premier integrated platform for business solutions. Linux enables a new stream of e-business applications for the iSeries platform that complements its strength as an integrated core business solution. Linux ...

Introduction to the New Mainframe: Security

26 April 2007, Redbooks

This book provides students of information systems with the background knowledge and skills necessary to begin using the basic security facilities of IBM System z. It enables a broad understanding of both the security principles and the hardware and software components needed to insure that the mainframe resources and environment are secure. It also explains how System z components interface with ...

Using z/VM v 6.2 Single System Image (SSI) and Live Guest Relocation (LGR)

31 October 2012, Redbooks

In this IBM® Redbooks® publication, we expand upon the concepts and experiences described in "An introduction to z/VM Single System Image (SSI) and Live Guest Relocation (LGR)", SG24-8006. An overview of that book is provided in Chapter 1, “Overview of SSI and LGR” on page 1. In writing this book, we re-used the same lab environment used in the first book, but expanded it to include IBM DB2® ...

EFS Systems on a Linux Base: Getting Started

05 November 2003, Redbooks

This IBM Redbooks publication describes the basic installation of FLEX-ES (a product of Fundamental Software, Inc., Fremont, California) with several z/OS operating system packages. Much of the material is in cookbook format. More advanced techniques and options are described in "S/390 PartnerWorld for Developers, ITSO/EFS Project EFS Systems on a Linux Base: Additional Topics", SG24-7008. These ...

Systems Management APIs for z/VM

15 July 2004, Redpaper

This IBM® Redpaper describes the z/VM® Systems Management Application Programming Interface (API), a programming interface to manage many aspects of a z/VM system. The interface is based on the Open Network Computing Remote Procedure Call (ONC/RPC) protocol, a platform-independent and language-neutral protocol for remote procedure execution defined in RFC1831. ONC/RPC offers programmers the ...

IBM zEnterprise 114 Technical Guide

27 February 2012, Redbooks

The popularity of the Internet and the affordability of IT hardware and software have resulted in an explosion of applications, architectures, and platforms. Workloads have changed. Many applications, including mission-critical ones, are deployed on a variety of platforms, and the System z® design has adapted to this change. It takes into account a wide range of factors, including compatibility ...

Oracle on LinuxONE

08 August 2019, Redbooks

Oracle Database 12c running on Linux is available for deployment on IBM® LinuxONE. The enterprise-grade Linux on LinuxONE solution is designed to add value to Oracle Database solutions, including the new functions that are introduced in Oracle Database 12c. In this IBM Redbooks® publication, we explore the IBM and Oracle Alliance and describe how Oracle Database benefits from LinuxONE. We then ...

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