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Where are the LUN numbers on a DS8000?

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Published on 02 March 2006, updated 02 March 2006

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IBM Form #: TIPS0598

Authors: Eugene Ong

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    This Technote describes how to define SCSI LUNs to Linux on IBM System z.


    When defining SCSI LUNs to Linux® on IBM® System z™, we found a method using the DS command line interface.
    • Types of data stored or manipulated: Any Linux data.
    • Actions performed on the data: We experienced difficulties finding LUN numbers using the DS 8000 Real-Time Manager GUI. The volume and volume groups were defined using the Real-Time Manager, but there is no mention of LUN numbers. Therefore, we extracted the LUN numbers by using the DS command line interface. We include the instructions to download and run this here; see Detailed information. Our system runs z/VM 5.1.0 in a logical partition on a z990 model B16 with four second-level Linux guests running SLES 9 SP2. (For more details about our system, ask your IBM representative for Techdocs number SSPD-TGIE-5Z4R43.)
    • Operating systems used: z/VM 5.1.0, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 9 SP2.
    • Hardware used: IBM eServer® zSeries® 990, IBM TotalStorage® DS8000 Storage Manager.
    • Software products used: z/VM, Linux on System z, Samba.

    How to use DS CLI to get the LUN ID map in IBM TotalStorage DS8000
    We describe how to use the DS command line interface for this procedure.

    The IBM TotalStorage DS command line interface (DS CLI) is a software package that allows open system hosts to invoke and manage Copy Services functions as well as to configure and manage all storage units in a storage complex. The DS CLI is a full-function command set. The DS CLI uses a syntax that is consistent with other IBM TotalStorage products. All new products will also use this same syntax.

    An important reference guide for users of the DS CLI is the IBM TotalStorage DS8000 Command-line Interface User's Guide, SC26-7625, available at:

    Installation method
    The DS CLI is supplied and installed from a CD that comes with the machine. The installation does not require a reboot of the open systems host. The DS CLI requires Java 1.4.1 or later. Java 1.4.2 for Microsoft® Windows®, AIX® 5L, and Linux is supplied on the CD. Many hosts already have a suitable level of Java installed.

    There are no external DS CLI download URLs at the DS8000 Web site as of now. Because DS CLI can manage both DS8000 and DS6000 (actually, DS8000 DS CLI and DS6000 DS CLI are the same), we can download the DS CLI software package from the DS6000 Web site:*&tc=HW2A2&rs=1112&dc=D400&dtm

    Because the version of DS CLI has been updated frequently, download the latest version to match with your microcode version. The minimum version is V5.0.4.0.

    The installation process can be performed in a shell (such as the bash or korn shell), using the Windows command prompt, or using a GUI interface. If performed in a shell, it can be performed silently using a profile file. The installation process also installs software that allows the DS CLI to be completely uninstalled if it no longer be required.

    The install process does not vary by operating system. Perform the following steps:
    1. Insert the DS CLI CD in the CD-ROM drive (and mount it if necessary).
    2. If using a command line, change to the root directory of the CD. There is a setup command for each supported operating system. Issue the relevant command and then follow the prompts. If using a GUI, navigate to the CD root directory and click the relevant setup executable.
    The DS CLI is then installed. The default install directory is:
    • _ /opt/ibm/dscli - For all forms of UNIX®
    • _ C:\Program Files\IBM\dscli - For all forms of Windows
    • _ SYS:\dscli - For Novell NetWare

    Using the DSCLI command to get a LUN ID map

    The section provides related commands.

    The lsfbvol command displays a list of fixed block volumes in a storage image and status information for each volume in the list.
    We invoke the lsfbvol command:

    The output of the lsfbvol command is:
    dscli> lsfbvol
    Date/Time: 200-8-6 015247 IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2107-7540821
    Name ID accstate datastate configstate deviceMTM datatype extpool cap (2^30B) cap (10^9B) cap (blocks)
    [1000] 1000 Online Normal Normal 2107-900 FB 512 P8 8.0 - 16777216
    [1001] 1001 Online Normal Normal 2107-900 FB 512 P8 8.0 - 16777216
    [1002] 1002 Online Normal Normal 2107-900 FB 512 P8 8.0 - 16777216
    [1003] 1003 Online Normal Normal 2107-900 FB 512 P8 8.0 - 16777216
    [1100] 1100 Online Normal Normal 2107-900 FB 512 P9 8.0 - 16777216
    [1101] 1101 Online Normal Normal 2107-900 FB 512 P9 8.0 - 16777216
    [1102] 1102 Online Normal Normal 2107-900 FB 512 P9 8.0 - 16777216
    [1103] 1103 Online Normal Normal 2107-900 FB 512 P9 8.0 - 16777216
    [1200] 1200 Online Normal Normal 2107-900 FB 512 P10 8.0 - 16777216
    [1201] 1201 Online Normal Normal 2107-900 FB 512 P10 8.0 - 16777216
    [1202] 1202 Online Normal Normal 2107-900 FB 512 P10 8.0 - 16777216
    [1203] 1203 Online Normal Normal 2107-900 FB 512 P10 8.0 - 16777216
    [1300] 1300 Online Normal Normal 2107-900 FB 512 P11 8.0 - 16777216
    [1301] 1301 Online Normal Normal 2107-900 FB 512 P11 8.0 - 16777216
    [1302] 1302 Online Normal Normal 2107-900 FB 512 P11 8.0 - 16777216
    [1303] 1303 Online Normal Normal 2107-900 FB 512 P11 8.0 - 16777216
    [1400] 1400 Online Normal Normal 2107-900 FB 512 P12 7.0 - 14680064
    [1401] 1401 Online Normal Normal 2107-900 FB 512 P12 7.0 - 14680064
    [1402] 1402 Online Normal Normal 2107-900 FB 512 P12 7.0 - 14680064
    [1403] 1403 Online Normal Normal 2107-900 FB 512 P12 7.0 - 14680064
    [1500] 1500 Online Normal Normal 2107-900 FB 512 P13 7.0 - 14680064
    [1501] 1501 Online Normal Normal 2107-900 FB 512 P13 7.0 - 14680064
    [1502] 1502 Online Normal Normal 2107-900 FB 512 P13 7.0 - 14680064
    [1503] 1503 Online Normal Normal 2107-900 FB 512 P13 7.0 - 14680064
    [1600] 1600 Online Normal Normal 2107-900 FB 512 P14 7.0 - 14680064
    [1601] 1601 Online Normal Normal 2107-900 FB 512 P14 7.0 - 14680064
    [1602] 1602 Online Normal Normal 2107-900 FB 512 P14 7.0 - 14680064
    [1603] 1603 Online Normal Normal 2107-900 FB 512 P14 7.0 - 14680064
    [1700] 1700 Online Normal Normal 2107-900 FB 512 P15 7.0 - 14680064
    [1701] 1701 Online Normal Normal 2107-900 FB 512 P15 7.0 - 14680064
    [1702] 1702 Online Normal Normal 2107-900 FB 512 P15 7.0 - 14680064
    [1703] 1703 Online Normal Normal 2107-900 FB 512 P15 7.0 - 14680064

    The lsvolgrp command displays a list of volume groups in a storage image and status information for each volume group in the list.
    We invoke the lsvolgrp command:
    dscli> lsvolgrp
    The output is:
    Date/Time: 2005-8-6 021119 IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2107-7540821
    Name ID Type
    Volume Group 1 V0 SCSI Map 256
    All Fixed Block-512 V20 SCSI All
    All Fixed Block-520 V30 OS400 All

    We can see just one volume group defined with ID V0, except for the three system-defined volume groups: V10, V20, and V30.

    The showvolgrp command displays detailed properties of a volume group.

    The parameters are:
    • -dev storage_image_ID (Optional). Specifies the storage image ID, which consists of the manufacturer, type, and serial number. This parameter is required if you do not specify a fully qualified ID for the volume group. Example: IBM.2107-75FA120.
    • -lunmap (Optional). Specifies that a LUN mapping table be displayed that shows the volume ID and LUN ID relationship. This parameter is valid for all SCSI and OS/400 type volume groups.
    • Volume_Group_ID | - (Required). Shows the properties for the target volume group that are specified within the storage unit. Accepts a fully qualified volume group ID, which consists of the storage image ID, or a shortened version without the storage image ID if the -dev parameter is specified. The shortened version is a four-digit decimal number with no leading zeros, prefixed with the letter “V”. Alternatively, accepts input from stdin when the dash (–) is specified.
    dscli> showvolgrp -lunmap v0
    Date/Time: 2005-8-6 022648 IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2107-75408
    Name Volume Group 1
    ID V0
    Type SCSI Map 256
    Vols 1003 1001 1000 1002 1303 1302 1301 1300 1203 1202 1201 1103 1102 1101 1100 1200

    vol lun
    1003 00
    1001 01
    1000 02
    1002 03
    1303 04
    1302 05
    1301 06
    1300 07
    1203 08
    1202 09
    1201 0A
    1103 0B
    1102 0C
    1101 0D
    1100 0E
    1200 0F

    In this way, you can get LUN ID for each logical volume in DS8000.

    How to convert the LUN ID in DS8000 to the FCP LUN ID in Linux
    The FCP LUN ID in Linux is written in hexadecimal and must be exactly 16 hexadecimal digits. We use the showvolgrp command to get every LUN ID in the DS8000 for each volume. All of our devices used only the high-order four digits of the 16 hexadecimal digit LUN address. We just add two zeros before the two-digit LUN ID in the DS8000, and then add another 12 zeros behind these four digits. Therefore, we place 16 hexadecimal digits for our FCP LUN ID into Linux.

    For example, the LUN ID of logical volume 1000 is 02. After adding two zeros before it and 12 zeros behind it, it becomes 0x0002000000000000. We can use these 16 hexadecimal digits as our Linux FCP mapping.

    LUN ID

    Contact information
    Name: Eugene Ong
    Job Title: Advisory Software Engineer
    Organization: zSeries Benchmark Center
    Country: U.S.
    Phone Number: 845-435-5034


    Special Notices

    The material included in this document is in DRAFT form and is provided 'as is' without warranty of any kind. IBM is not responsible for the accuracy or completeness of the material, and may update the document at any time. The final, published document may not include any, or all, of the material included herein. Client assumes all risks associated with Client's use of this document.