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ISV IBM zPDT Guide and Reference

An IBM Redbooks publication


Published on 13 December 2022

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ISBN-10: 0738460834
ISBN-13: 9780738460833
IBM Form #: SG24-8205-06

Authors: Bill Ogden

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This IBM® Redbooks® publication provides both introductory information and technical details for ISV IBM Z® Program Development Tool (IBM zPDT®), which produces a small IBM zSystems environment that is suitable for application development. ISV zPDT is a personal computer (PC) Linux application. When ISV zPDT is installed on Linux, normal IBM zSystems operating systems (such as IBM z/OS®) may be run on it. ISV zPDT provides the basic IBM zSystems architecture and provides emulated IBM 3390 disk drives, 3270 interfaces, Open Systems Adapter (OSA) interfaces, and other items.

The systems that are described in this publication are complex, with elements of Linux (for the underlying PC machine), IBM z/Architecture® (for the core zPDT elements), IBM zSystems I/O functions (for emulated I/O devices), z/OS (the most common IBM zSystems operating system), and various applications and subsystems under z/OS. We assume that the reader is familiar with general concepts and terminology of IBM zSystems hardware and software elements, and with basic PC Linux characteristics.

This publication provides the primary documentation for ISV zPDT and corresponds to zPDT V1 R11, commonly known as GA11.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Introduction

Chapter 2. ISV IBM Z Program Development Tool concepts and terminology

Chapter 3. Device maps for ISV IBM Z Program Development Tool

Chapter 4. ISV IBM Z Program Development Tool commands

Chapter 5. ISV IBM Z Program Development Tool installation

Chapter 6. Application Development Controlled Distribution installation

Chapter 7. Local area networks

Chapter 8. ISV IBM Z Program Development Tool licenses

Chapter 9. Other IBM zSystems operating systems

Chapter 10. Multiple instances and guests

Chapter 11. The awscmd device manager

Chapter 12. Minor z/OS notes

Chapter 13. Additional ISV IBM Z Program Development Tool notes

Chapter 14. Tape drives and tapes

Chapter 15. Direct access storage device volume migration

Chapter 16. Channel-to-channel

Chapter 17. Cryptographic usage

Chapter 18. Server Time Protocol

Chapter 19. Problem handling

Appendix A. FAQ

Appendix B. Non-QDIO Open Systems Adapter

Appendix C. Generation 2 tokens and licenses

Appendix D. IBM Z Development and Test Environment notes

Appendix E. Secure x3270 connection


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