Creating regular backups is a critical step to recovering from a disaster. Restoring the database is arguably the most important and time-critical portion of the backup and restore process. This IBM® Redbooks® web doc describes the following elements that are critical to a successful restore process:
- The process model
- Restore to existing and non-existing databases
- Restore individual table spaces
- Restore a subset of table spaces to a new database
- Change the database path
- Changing the container path
- Considerations for the Database Partitioning Feature (DPF)
- Monitoring the restore operation progress
This document applies to all versions of IBM Db2
® Linux, UNIX, and Windows.
The process model
The restore process model consists of the engine dispatchable units (EDU):
- db2agent
- db2bm
- db2med
- db2vend (if the backup image originates from a storage manager)
The db2agent EDU does most of its work during the start of the restore process, and then it waits for the restore process to complete. These are the tasks it performs:
- Calculates and spawn an optimal number of db2bm EDUs
- Spawns the db2med EDU
- Allocates an optimal number of buffers, compatible with the buffer size used during the backup
- Displays the selected tunable values to the db2diag.log
- Allocates message queues for inter-EDU communication
- Re-creates the database configuration file if the target database does not exist
- Coordinates the backup process by sending control messages to the db2bm and db2med EDUs
The db2med EDU acquires a buffer from the empty queue and fills the buffer with a read from the backup image. The db2med EDU then places the buffer on the full queue to be written to disk by a db2bm EDU. Only one db2med EDU is created even if multiple parts exist in the backup image.
The db2bm EDU acquires a buffer from the full queue. The buffer header indicates which table space this buffer belongs to and the page offset in the table space where this buffer belongs. Next, the db2bm writes the contents of the buffer to the appropriate container. If multiple containers are in the table space, the I/O is divided into extents and written to disk in parallel by the prefetcher EDU. The db2bm EDU places the buffer in the empty queue for reuse by the db2med EDU.
The db2vend process is created if the backup image is being retrieved from a storage manager. The db2vend process uses a vendor API to read data from the backup image and forwards the data to the db2med EDU.
Figure 1 graphically represents the restore process model.

Figure 1. Restore process model
Restore to existing and non-existing databases
Key differences exist between restoring to an existing database and restoring to a non-existing database. One of the most critical details is which database configuration settings are used. Specifically the database configuration settings for logging and self-tuning memory might be different and cause unexpected results.
When restoring to an existing database, consider these factors:
- The database configuration file from the existing database is used.
- Containers from the existing database are reused and resized as necessary.
- Extra containers on an existing database but not in backup image are deleted.
- The restore operation prompts for confirmation when replacing a database by the same name.
For a complete list of other actions performed during a restore operation, see "Restoring to an existing database" (Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows) in IBM Knowledge Center:
When restoring to a non-existing database, consider these factors:
- The database configuration file from the database in the backup image is used.
- Containers are created serially by the db2bm EDU.
The time required to create the containers varies depending on the size of the containers and if fast preallocation is available. Fast preallocation availability depends on the operating system (OS) and file system type. To determine if fast preallocation is available, review the setting of the DB2_USE_FAST_PREALLOCATION variable. For details, see "Performance Variables" (Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows) in IBM Knowledge Center:
Restore individual table spaces
To restore an individual table space, several conditions must be met (see the commands and responses in Example 1):
- Archival logging must be enabled.
- Restored table spaces are in a rollforward pending status.
- Rollforward to end of log is required to remove the roll forward pending status.
- The entire contents of all backup images is read.
Example 1. Commands and responses to restore an individual table space
db2 restore database sample tablespace (ts1)
db2pd -db sample -tab 3
Tablespace 3 Configuration:
Tablespace 3 Statistics:
db2tbst 0x80
State = Roll Forward Pending
db2 rollforward db sample to end of logs and complete tablespace (ts1) online
db2pd -db sample -tab 3
Tablespace 3 Configuration:
Tablespace 3 Statistics:
Address............TotalPgs.UsablePgs.UsedPgs.<…>.State.......MinRecTime NQuiescers PathsDropped TrackmodState
Restore a subset of table spaces to a new database
Restoring a subset of table spaces in the backup image is possible by using the REBUILD clause of the restore database command. The following options are available for the REBUILD clause. In all cases, a restore database command with the REBUILD clause overwrites the existing database. Table spaces excluded from the restore process are still part of the database and are in a restore pending status.
Restores the database with all the table spaces known to the database at the time of the image being restored.
Restores the database with all the table spaces known to the database at the time of the image being restored except for those specified in the list.
Restores the database with only the table spaces in the image being restored.
Restores the database with only the table spaces in the image being restored except for those specified in the list.
- REBUILD WITH <table space list>
Restores the database with only the list of table spaces specified.
db2 restore commands with the REBUILD clause are as follows:
- db2 restore db sample rebuild with all tablespaces in database
- db2 restore db sample rebuild with all tablespaces in database except tablespace (ts1,ts2)
- db2 restore db sample rebuild with all tablespaces in image
- db2 restore db sample rebuild with all tablespaces in image except tablespace (ts1,ts2)
- db2 restore db sample rebuild with tablespace (syscatspace,ts1,ts2)
Change the database path
The database path indicates where the database control files are located and the default location for the active log files. This path can be changed only if the database does not exist prior to the restore command.
To change the database path, these options of the
restore database command are available:
- TO
This option is the default. If the database is enabled for automatic storage, only the database path is changed, and the container paths are not changed. Here is an example:
db2 restore db sample to /dbpath
This option is used in conjunction with the ON clause. If the database is enabled for automatic storage, then the database path is changed with the DBPATH ON clause and the container paths are changed with the ON clause. Here is an example:
db2 restore db sample on /data1 dbpath on /dbpath
Change the container path
How you change container path names depends on whether or not you are using automatic storage:
- If you use automatic storage: Changing container path names is done with the ON clause of the restore statement or with a redirected restore.
- If you do not use automatic storage: Changing container paths is done with a redirected restore.
For details, see "Performing a redirected restore operation" (Db2 11.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows) in IBM Knowledge Center:
The following command changes the automatic storage definition for the database and creates the restored containers on the three specified paths:
db2 restore db sample on /data1, /data2, /data3
You can also use a redirected restore option as shown in the following examples:
- db2 restore database sample redirect
- db2 set stogroup paths for ibmstogroup on '/data1', '/data2'
- db2 restore database sample continue
A non-automatic storage redirected restore is shown in Example 2. The
set tablespace containers command must be run for every table space that requires a new container path.
Example 2. Non-automatic storage redirected restore
db2 restore database sample redirect
db2 set tablespace containers for 0 using ( path '/data1/sqlt0000.0' )
db2 set tablespace containers for 1 using ( path '/data1/sqlt0001.0' )
db2 set tablespace containers for 2 using ( path '/data1/sqlt0002.0' )
db2 set tablespace containers for 3 using ( file '/data1/ts1' 10000 )
db2 restore database sample continue
Considerations for the Database Partitioning Feature (DPF)
When using the DPF feature of Db2, the restore process can become complex. To provide transactional consistency between members, all members must be rolled forward to the same point in time, as follows:
- When circular logging is used, a restore must be performed on all members by using the offline backup for each member with the same backup timestamp.
- When using archival logging, restoring an individual member is possible if the transaction logs can be applied in order to bring the restored member up-to-date with all other members, with a roll forward to the end of logs.
- The restore database command must be executed individually on each member.
- The rollforward database command must be executed from the catalog member.
Examples 3 - 6 show restore and rollforward operations. The sample database was created across three members and the backup was taken by using the command shown in the examples.
Example 3. Backup database command
db2 backup db sample on all dbpartitionnums
Part Result
---- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
0000 DB20000I The BACKUP DATABASE command completed successfully.
0001 DB20000I The BACKUP DATABASE command completed successfully.
0002 DB20000I The BACKUP DATABASE command completed successfully.
Backup successful. The timestamp for this backup image is : 20170614135931
Example 4. A
restore database on all members and a
rollforward to end of backup
db2_all "|db2 restore database sample from /db2backup taken at 20170614135931 without prompting"
db2 “rollforward db sample to end of backup and complete”
Example 5. A
restore database on member 1 and a
rollforward to end of logs
db2_all "<<+1< db2 restore database sample from /db2backup taken at 20170614135931 without prompting"
db2 "rollforward db sample to end of logs on dbpartitionnum (1) and complete"
Example 6. A
restore database tablespace ts1 online on member 1 and a
rollforward to the end of the logs
db2_all "<<+1< db2 restore database sample tablespace \(ts1\) online from /db2backup taken at 20170614135931 without prompting"
db2 "rollforward db sample to end of logs on dbpartitionnum (1) and complete tablespace (ts1) online"
Monitoring the restore operation progress
To monitor the progress of the restore operation, you can use
db2pd –utilities. While the restore operation is running, output from
db2pd –utilities produces results (Example 7).
Example 7. Results of using db2pd -utilities
0x000000020382DE00.190.RESTORE.0.....0.......0........Tue Jun 13 18:56:50.SAMPLE.1.........1........db
0x000000020382E128.190.1........2634670080 bytes.Unknown...Tue Jun 13 18:56:50.n/a
By collecting multiple iterations of this output at known time intervals, the TotalWork values can be compared to determine the number of bytes per second being processed. Example 8 shows use of the
-repeat 10 2 option, which causes the command to be repeated twice, 10 seconds apart.
Example 8. Using the –repeat 10 2 option of db2pd
db2pd -utilities -repeat 10 2
Database Member 0 -- Active -- Up 8 days 02:27:33 -- Date 2017-06-13-
0x000000020382E128.190......1728479232 bytes...Unknown....<…>
Database Member 0 -- Active -- Up 8 days 02:27:43 -- Date 2017-06-13-
0x000000020382E128.190......2634670080 bytes...Unknown....<…>
2634670080 – 1728479232 = 906190848 bytes in 10 seconds or 90619084.8 bytes per second.
By knowing how big the backup image is, the time remaining for the restore can be computed. The TotalWork column does not have the size of the complete backup image so it must be obtained by looking at the db2diag.log file from when the backup was created (Example 9).
Example 9. The db2diag.log file from backup
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, database utilities, sqluxLogDataStats, probe:396
MESSAGE : Performance statistics
DATA #1 : String, 1414 bytes
Parallelism = 10
Number of buffers = 10
Buffer size = 16781312 (4097 4kB pages)
The total backup size is displayed in kilobytes (KB). From this backup image, the backup was 4801716 KB. To compute the time remaining for the restore operation (Example 10), subtract the CompletedWork value (seen in Example 8) from the size of the backup. This action requires converting the size of the backup into bytes so both measurements use the same units.
Example 10. Calculate time remaining to restore
(4801716 * 1024 ) – 2634670080 = 2634670080 bytes remaining in the restore.
2634670080 bytes / 90619084.8 bytes per second = 25.19 seconds remaining in the restore.
Related information
IBM Knowledge Center has more information about the following commands: