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zPDT Sysplex Extensions - 2020

An IBM Redbooks publication


Published on 16 October 2020

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ISBN-10: 0738459143
ISBN-13: 9780738459141
IBM Form #: SG24-8386-02

Authors: Frank Kyne and Bill Ogden

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This IBM® Redbooks® publication describes the IBM System z® Personal Development Tool (IBM zPDT®) Sysplex Extensions 2020, which is a package that consists of sample files and supporting documentation to help you get a functioning, data sharing sysplex up and running with minimal time and effort. This book is a significant revision of zPDT 2017 Sysplex Extensions, SG24-8386.

This package is designed and tested to be installed on top of a standard Application Developer Controlled Distribution (ADCD) environment. It provides the extra files that you need to create a two-way data sharing IBM z/OS® 2.4 sysplex that runs under IBM z/VM® in a zPDT environment.

This package differs from the zPDT sysplex package delivered in IBM zPDT Guide and Reference System z Personal Development Tool, SG24-8205, in that it provides working examples of more sysplex exploiters. It also is designed to adhere to IBM’s sysplex best practice recommendations, in as far as is possible in a zPDT environment.

Although the package was not tested with IBM Z® Development and Test Environment (previously known as RD&T), it may be used to reduce the effort to create a fully functional sysplex under zD&T.

Conceptually, the package might also be restored and used as a template to create a sysplex environment that is running on a real IBM Z CPC.

The target audience for this document is system programmers who are responsible for designing, creating, and maintaining IBM Parallel Sysplex® environments. It can also be beneficial to developers who currently maintain their own ADCD environments and want to extend them to add sysplex functions.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Introduction

Chapter 2. System migration considerations

Chapter 3. Sysplex configurations

Chapter 4. Installing the Sysplex Extensions 2020

Chapter 5. Sample Db2 data sharing environment

Chapter 6. Sample CICSplex

Appendix A. Sample definitions

Appendix B. Sysplex couple data sets and policies

Appendix C. Alternative disk configuration

Appendix D. Sample IPL flow for sysplex under z/VM

Appendix E. Additional material


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