IBM Blockchain Platform for Multicloud enables users to deploy the platform across public and private clouds, such as the IBM Cloud™, your own data center, and third-party public clouds, such as AWS and Microsoft Azure. It provides a blockchain console user interface that you can use to deploy and manage blockchain components on an IBM Cloud Private cluster.
This IBM Redbooks™ publication discusses the major features, use case scenarios, deployment options, configuration details, performance and scalability considerations of IBM Blockchain Platform for Multicloud. We also cover step-by-step implementation details for both Secure Service Container and non-Secure Service Container environments. You also learn about the benefits of deploying and using a blockchain environment on LinuxONE.
The target audience for this book is blockchain deployment specialists, developers and solution architects.
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Planning for installation
Chapter 3. Secure Service Container installation and configuration
Chapter 4. IBM Blockchain Platform installation and configuration
Chapter 5. Specific scenarios
Chapter 6. Performance considerations