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CICS and DevOps: What You Need to Know

An IBM Redbooks publication


Published on 12 January 2016

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ISBN-10: 0738441384
ISBN-13: 9780738441382
IBM Form #: SG24-8339-00

Authors: Hernan Cunico, Rod Ainge, Chris Carlin, Ben Cox, Tsahi Duek, Ezriel Gross, Lydia Hao Yang Li and Subhajit Maitra

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    This IBM® Redbooks® publication provides an example approach of an agile IT team that implements development and operations (DevOps) capabilities into an IBM CICS® application. Several tools are used to show how teams can achieve transparency, traceability, and automation in their application lifecycle with the assistance of all the stakeholders to deliver high-quality application changes that meet the requirements.

    The application changes that are built highlight the composable and dynamic nature of using CICS, the Liberty JVM runtime server, and IBM UrbanCode™ Deploy, which allows developers to get their applications running quickly by using only the programming model features that are required for their applications.

    The target audience for this publication is IT developers, managers, and architects, and project managers, test managers and developers, and operations managers and developers.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1. Introduction

    Chapter 2. Development environment

    Chapter 3. Build environment

    Chapter 4. Release environment

    Chapter 5. Applying DevOps to COBOL applications and CICS policies

    Chapter 6. Applying DevOps to Java applications

    Chapter 7. Applying DevOps to CICS cloud applications


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