ISBN-10: 0738441368
ISBN-13: 9780738441368
IBM Form #: SG24-8335-00
Authors: Hernan Cunico, Andreas Hümmer, Jonathan Lawrence, Shayla Robinson, Andre Schreiber, Inderpal Singh, Prabhat Srivastava, Phil Wakelin and Dan Zachary
This IBM® Redbooks® publication, intended for architects, application developers, and system programmers, describes how to design and implement Java web-based applications in an IBM CICS® Liberty JVM server. This book is based on IBM CICS Transaction Server V5.3 (CICS TS) using the embedded IBM WebSphere® Application Server Liberty V8.5.5 technology.
Liberty is an asset to your organization, whether you intend to extend existing enterprise services hosted in CICS, or develop new web-based applications supporting new lines of business. Fundamentally, Liberty is a composable, dynamic profile of IBM WebSphere Application Server that enables you to provision Java EE technology on a feature-by-feature basis. Liberty can be provisioned with as little as the HTTP transport and a servlet web container, or with the entire Java EE 6 Web Profile feature set depending on your application requirements.
This publication includes a Technology Essentials section for architects and application developers to help understand the underlying technology, an Up-and-Running section for system programmers implementing the Liberty JVM server for the first time, and a set of real-life application development scenarios.
Chapter 1. Introduction
Part 1. Technology essentials
Chapter 2. Application development
Chapter 3. Workload management
Chapter 4. Security options
Part 2. Up and running
Chapter 5. Developing and deploying applications
Chapter 6. Configuring a Liberty server in CICS
Chapter 7. Configuring the web server plug-in
Chapter 8. Implementing security options
Part 3. Scenarios
Chapter 9. Porting a web application
Chapter 10. Creating an integration logic application
Chapter 11. Creating a business logic application
Part 4. Reference
Chapter 12. Troubleshooting