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Database Performance Tuning on AIX

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 20 January 2003

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ISBN-10: 073842790X
ISBN-13: 9780738427904
IBM Form #: SG24-5511-01

Authors: Budi Darmawan, Gary Groenewald, Allan Irving, Sergio Henrique Soares Monteiro and Keirnan M. Snedeker

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This IBM Redbooks publication is designed to help system designers, system administrators, and database administrators design, size, implement, maintain, monitor, and tune a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) for optimal performance on AIX. RDBMS is usually a significant factor in building the profit line of a company. They represent an important investment and their performance is vital to the success of the company.

This book contains hints and tips from experts that work on RDBMS performance every day. It also provides introductions to general database layout concepts from a performance point of view, design and sizing guidelines, tuning recommendations, and performance and tuning information for DB2 UDB, Oracle, and IBM Informix databases.

The performance tips provided here relate to the things that a system administrator or database administrator can change. This book does not cover performance tuning issues that relate to application and database design, including SQL query tuning.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Introduction to this redbook

Part 1. RDBMS concepts

Chapter 2. Introduction to relational database system concepts

Chapter 3. Types of workload

Chapter 4. DB2 Universal Database

Chapter 5. Oracle databases

Chapter 6. IBM Informix Dynamix Server

Part 2. System design and sizing

Chapter 7. Sizing a database system

Chapter 8. Designing RDBMS servers

Chapter 9. Designing a disk subsystem

Part 3. System optimization

Chapter 10. Implementing your database

Chapter 11. Monitoring an RDBMS system for performance

Chapter 12. Tuning an RDBMS system

Chapter 13. AIX and hardware tuning considerations

Chapter 14. DB2 UDB tuning

Chapter 15. Oracle tuning

Chapter 16. IBM Informix Dynamic Server tuning


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