This IBM Redbooks publication takes an insightful look at the performance monitoring and tuning tools that are provided with AIX 5L. It discusses the use of the tools as well as the interpretation of the results in many examples.
This book is meant as a reference for system administrators and AIX technical support professionals so they can use the performance tools efficiently and interpret the outputs when analyzing AIX system performance.
A general concept and introduction to the tools is presented to introduce the reader to the process of AIX performance analysis.
The individual performance tools discussed in this book fall into these categories:
- Multi-resource monitoring and tuning tools
- CPU-related performance tools
- Memory-related performance tools
- Disk I/O-related performance tools
- Network-related performance tools
- Performance tracing tools
- Additional performance topics, including performance monitoring API, Workload Manager tools, and performance toolbox for AIX.
Part 1. AIX 5L performance tools
Chapter 1. Introduction to AIX performance monitoring and tuning
Chapter 2. Getting started
Part 2. Multi-resource monitoring and tuning tools
Chapter 3. The fdpr command
Chapter 4. The iostat command
Chapter 5. The netpmon command
Chapter 6. Performance Diagnostic Tool (PDT)
Chapter 7. The perfpmr command
Chapter 8. The ps command
Chapter 9. The sar command
Chapter 10. The schedo and schedtune commands
Chapter 11. The topas command
Chapter 12. The truss command
Chapter 13. The vmstat command
Chapter 14. The vmo, ioo, and vmtune commands
Chapter 15. Kernel tunables commands
Chapter 16. Process-related commands
Part 3. CPU-related performance tools
Chapter 17. The alstat and emstat commands
Chapter 18. The bindintcpu and bindprocessor commands
Chapter 19. The gprof, pprof, prof, and tprof commands
Chapter 20. The nice and renice commands
Chapter 21. The time and timex commands
Part 4. Memory-related performance tools
Chapter 22. The ipcs command
Chapter 23. The rmss command
Chapter 24. The svmon command
Part 5. Disk I/OÐrelated performance tools
Chapter 25. The filemon command
Chapter 26. The fileplace command
Chapter 27. The lslv, lspv, and lsvg commands
Chapter 28. The lvmstat command
Part 6. Network-related performance tools
Chapter 29. The atmstat, entstat, estat, fddistat, and tokstat commands
Chapter 30. TCP/IP packet tracing tools
Chapter 31. The netstat command
Chapter 32. The nfso command
Chapter 33. The nfsstat command
Chapter 34. The no command
Part 7. Tracing performance problems
Chapter 35. The curt command
Chapter 36. The gennames, genld, genkld, genkex, and gensyms commands
Chapter 37. The locktrace command
Chapter 38. The stripnm command
Chapter 39. The splat command
Chapter 40. The trace, trcnm, and trcrpt commands
Part 8. Additional performance topics
Chapter 41. APIs for performance monitoring
Chapter 42. Workload Manager tools
Chapter 43. Performance Toolbox Version 3 for AIX
Appendix A. Source code examples
Appendix B. Trace hooks