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IBM Storage for Red Hat OpenShift Blueprint



Published on 18 December 2020

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ISBN-10: 0738459275
ISBN-13: 9780738459271
IBM Form #: REDP-5565-05

Authors: IBM

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This IBM® Blueprint is intended to facilitate the deployment of IBM Storage for Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform by using detailed hardware specifications to build a system. It describes the associated parameters for configuring persistent storage within a Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform environment. To complete the tasks, you must understand Red Hat OpenShift, IBM Storage, the IBM block storage Container Storage Interface (CSI) driver, and the IBM Spectrum Scale CSI driver.

The information in this document is distributed on an “as is” basis without any warranty that is either expressed or implied. Support assistance for the use of this material is limited to situations where IBM Storwize® or IBM FlashSystem® storage devices, Enterprise Storage Server®, and IBM Spectrum® Scale are supported and entitled, and where the issues are not specific to a blueprint implementation.

IBM Storage Suite for IBM Cloud® Paks is an offering bundle that includes software-defined storage from IBM and Red Hat. Use this document for more information about how to deploy IBM Storage product licenses that are obtained through Storage Suite for Cloud Paks (IBM Spectrum Virtualize and IBM Spectrum Scale).

Table of Contents


Lab topology

Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform installation overview

Configuring iSCSI/Fibre Channel for worker nodes

(Optional) Manually configuring worker nodes running Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Configuring worker nodes running Red Hat Enterprise Linux or Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS

Installing IBM block storage CSI driver on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform

Installing IBM Spectrum Scale CSI Driver on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform

IBM Spectrum Scale storage class definitions

Deploying CockroachDB Operator and Database instance

Creating volume snapshots with IBM Block CSI Driver

Appendix A: DNS configuration

Appendix B: DHCP configuration

Appendix C: Firewall rules

Appendix D: IBM Spectrum Scale usage restrictions


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