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Ready-to-use Virtual Appliance for Hands-on IBM Spectrum Archive Evaluation

An IBM Redpaper publication


Published on 03 December 2019, updated 04 August 2020

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ISBN-10: 0738457922
ISBN-13: 9780738457925
IBM Form #: REDP-5384-01

Authors: Hiroyuki Miyoshi, Hiroshi Araki and Takeshi Ishimoto

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IBM® Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition for the IBM TS4500, IBM TS3500, IBM TS4300, and IBM TS3310 tape libraries provides seamless integration of IBM Linear Tape File System (LTFS) with IBM Spectrum® Scale by creating an LTFS tape tier. You can run any application that is designed for disk files on tape by using IBM Spectrum Archive. IBM Spectrum Archive can play an important role in reducing the cost of storage for data that does not need the access performance of primary disk.

The IBM Spectrum Archive Virtual Appliance can be deployed in minutes and key features can be tried along with this user guide. The virtual machine (VM) has a pre-configured IBM Spectrum Scale and a virtual tape library that allows to quickly test the IBM Spectrum Archive features without connecting to a physical tape library. The virtual appliance is provided as a VirtualBox .ova file.

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