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Hadoop and System z

An IBM Redpaper publication


Published on 15 October 2014

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IBM Form #: REDP-5142-00

Authors: John Thomas and Vic Leith

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A large portion of the world’s enterprise data is stored on IBM® System z® mainframes, and enterprises have long relied on this structured data for their day-to-day operations. At the same time, exponential growth in mobile technologies, social media, and other systems of engagement is driving the emergence of new forms of data, both unstructured and semi-structured. Combining operational data with these newer data sources can yield deep business insights. For example, companies can combine their operational data with collected social media sentiments to create a 360-degree view of their customers, which can provide a key competitive edge when identifying new opportunities.

So, how can System z and z/OS®-based enterprises take advantage of the power of Hadoop? There is, in fact, a wide spectrum of use cases linking Hadoop processing with System z. This IBM Redbooks® Point-of-View publication focuses on the typical use case categories that integrate System z and Hadoop.

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