This IBM Redbooks publication provides a look at the IBM Storage Defender Data
Management Service (DMS) and Data Protect. This includes information to better understand how IBM Storage Defender is used to protect a number of different workloads as well as integrate with IBM Storage Protect for offload and archival purposes. Configuration and usage examples are provided to further explore defining and configuring protection policies. This document is intended for use by System Administrators and anyone wanting to learn more about implementing DMS and Defender Data Protect.
Chapter 1. Introduction to IBM Storage Defender
Chapter 2. IBM Storage Defender: Data Management Service (DMS)
Chapter 3. IBM Storage Defender: Data Protect
Chapter 4. Protecting VMware Workloads with IBM Data Protect
Chapter 5. Rapid Restore of Virtual Machines
Chapter 6. Integrating IBM Defender Data Protection with IBM Storage Protect
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