Data modernization refers to initiatives or processes that lead to more pertinent and precise data, as well as quicker and more effective data processing and analysis, thereby enhancing both organizational management and regulatory compliance while catering to industrial and societal requirements..
This IBM® Redbooks® publication describes how to maximize the data serving capabilities on LinuxONE and how you can take advantage of these capabilities to modernize your enterprise.
We start by describing the value of using and migrating your databases to IBM LinuxONE in order to maximize your data serving capabilities. We describe information on migrating your current databases to LinuxONE in the following chapters:
"Oracle and LinuxONE" on page 11
"Db2 and LinuxONE
" on page 45
"Postgres and LinuxONE" on page 87
"MongoDB and LinuxONE" on page 119
"Open source data base management systems and LinuxONE" on page 135
We also describe using containers and the benefits of automation by using containers (see section 7.2, "Benefits of automation when using containers" on page 139).
In Appendix A, "Application use case-geospatial data" on page 285, we demonstrate geospatial processing when using PostGIS and FUJITSU Enterprise Postgres on IBM LinuxONE as well as using MongoDB as a Service.
FUJITSU Enterprise Postgres on IBM LinuxONE supports PostGIS functions and on a high-performance platform with scalability and advanced security.
Appendix B, "MongoDB as a service with IBM LinuxONE" on page 335 demonstrates the benefits of using IBM LinuxONE in your enterprise. This chapter describes how IBM LinuxONE, combined with IBM Storage, provides high availability (HA), performance, and security by using a sample-anonymized client environment and includes a use case that demonstrates setting up a database as a service that can be replicated on a much larger scale across multiple client sites.
Chapter 1. LinuxONE benefits and customer value
Chapter 2. Oracle and LinuxONE
Chapter 3. Db2 and LinuxONE
Chapter 4. Postgres and LinuxONE
Chapter 5. MongoDB and LinuxONE
Chapter 6. Open source data base management systems and LinuxONE
Chapter 7. Leveraging containers
Chapter 8. Database migration
Appendix A. Application use case-geospatial data
Appendix B. MongoDB as a service with IBM LinuxONE
Appendix C. Converting SQL and PL/SQL to Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres SQL and PL/pgSQL
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