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Getting Started with IBM Z Cyber Vault

A draft IBM Redbooks publication


Last updated on 12 December 2024

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IBM Form #: SG24-8511-01

Authors: Bill White, Dino Amarini, Diego Bessone, Tom Bish, Nathan Brice, Richard Cairns, Giovanni Cerquone, Nick Clayton, Greg Falgione, Michael Frankenberg, Nathan Gurley, Maryellen Kliethermes, Colin Michalik, Nadim Shehab, Karen Smolar and Joseph Welsh II

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With cyberattacks on the rise, cyber resiliency is becoming more important than ever. Cyber resiliency provides the required capability to prevent significant impact in the event of an attack. A cybersecurity strategy might minimize the risk of attacks getting through to systems, applications, and data, but a cyber resiliency strategy is needed to recover quickly. Preparing for, responding to, and recovering from a cyberattack is not something that just happens, but must be thoroughly designed, planned for, and tested.

This IBM® Redbooks® publication looks at some common cyberthreats and introduces a cyber resiliency solution that is called IBM Z® Cyber Vault. It describes the technology and cyber resiliency capabilities of the solution at various hardware, software, and operational levels, and describes what to consider when pursuing higher cyber resiliency goals.

Guidance and examples for the deployment of the IBM Z Cyber Vault solution are also included, and a suggested framework with advice for conducting basic data validation, analysis, and recovery.

This publication is intended for IT managers, IT architects, system programmers, storage administrators, security administrators, database administrators (DBAs), and system operations professionals.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Business resiliency: Proactive analysis and expedited recovery

Chapter 2. Planning and designing the IBM Z Cyber Vault solution

Chapter 3. Using the IBM Z Cyber Vault solution capabilities

Chapter 4. Deploying the IBM Z Cyber Vault solution

Chapter 5. The art of the possible with the IBM Z Cyber Vault solution


Special Notices

The material included in this document is in DRAFT form and is provided 'as is' without warranty of any kind. IBM is not responsible for the accuracy or completeness of the material, and may update the document at any time. The final, published document may not include any, or all, of the material included herein. Client assumes all risks associated with Client's use of this document.