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Multiple z/OS Virtual Machines on z/VM

An IBM Redpaper publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 13 April 2009

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IBM Form #: REDP-4507-00

Authors: Kline Alan, John Kapernick, Romney White and Reed Mullen

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This IBM Redpaper describes some of the possible ways to configure a z/VM system and a set of z/OS virtual machines for use in testing z/OS-based tools and products. By supplying each tester with their own virtual machine, one tester has little or no impact on others.

This material is based on 15 years of experience in operating a z/OS test environment on z/VM for developing and testing z/OS middleware in IBM. Our current environment includes three z/VM LPARs on two different processors, hosting over 300 z/OS images and eight Linux images. While we have a large DASD pool, we maintain a set of releases dating back to OS/390 Release 10 for service needs, plus a large development environment. As a result, we have implemented an environment where we share as much DASD and as many datasets as possible, while providing sufficient private space for individual development and test needs and a reasonable amount of protection against shared DASD being altered accidentally.

Table of Contents

Multiple z/OS Virtual Machines on z/VM

Appendix A. Sample PROFILE EXEC

Appendix B. Additional material


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