Virtually every aspect of managing an IT environment has drastically increased in complexity as new technologies and business shifts have altered the way businesses organize their IT infrastructure. As companies move to greater usage of virtualization, sub-capacity based technologies, and cloud based technologies to manage their infrastructure requirements, the licensing of that software has become increasingly difficult to track and manage. In addition, licensing models have changed to accommodate modern IT infrastructure models.
This IBM® Redbooks® Solution Guide describes how IBM® sub-capacity licensing functions and specifically how the IBM License Metric Tool can be implemented to track and manage licenses for WebSphere® Application Server instances that are present in a customer’s infrastructure. The goal will be to demonstrate specific scenarios that target some of the complex environments and licensing models mentioned above in a clear and reproducible manner that customers can replicate in their environments. When you have a clear understanding of what is presented within this Redbooks Solution Guide, we suggest that you take a deeper dive into the new IBM Redpaper publication, Managing Your WebSphere Application Server Licenses using IBM License Metric Tool, REDP-5107.
Virtually every aspect of managing an IT environment has drastically increased in complexity as new technologies and business shifts have altered the way businesses organize their IT infrastructure. As companies move to greater usage of virtualization, sub-capacity based technologies, and cloud based technologies to manage their infrastructure requirements, the licensing of that software has become increasingly difficult to track and manage. In addition, licensing models have changed to accommodate modern IT infrastructure models.
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