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Using the IBM DS8870 in an OpenStack Cloud Environment

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Published on 21 January 2014

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IBM Form #: TIPS1150

Authors: Bertrand Dufrasne, Abilio de Oliveira and Axel Westphal

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The IBM® DS8870 comes with characteristics and functions that make it an ideal storage foundation for building a workload-aware cloud, especially with the availability of the IBM Storage Driver for OpenStack.

The IBM Storage Driver for OpenStack enables OpenStack clouds to access the DS8870 storage system. The driver integrates with the OpenStack environment and enables OpenStack applications to take advantage of the DS8870 enterprise-class storage.


OpenStack is being developed as an industry standard cloud-computing project. It was started by Rackspace Cloud and NASA in 2010. Currently, more than 150 companies have joined the project, including IBM®.

With the availability of the IBM Storage Driver for OpenStack, the IBM DS8870 storage system can offer a range of capabilities that enable more effective storage automation deployments in to private or public clouds. Enabling OpenStack with DS8870 allows for storage to be made available whenever it is needed without the traditional associated cost of highly skilled administrators and infrastructure.

The IBM Storage Driver for OpenStack enables OpenStack clouds to access the DS8870 storage system. The driver integrates with the OpenStack environment and enables OpenStack applications to take advantage of the DS8870 enterprise-class storage.

Figure 1 shows the solution for integrating the DS8870 in an OpenStack infrastructure.

DS8870 and OpenStack infrastructure
Figure 1. DS8870 and OpenStack infrastructure

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