IBM® Content Analytics with Enterprise Search (ICAwES) provides an enterprise search capability that enables enterprise-wide search across multiple content repositories and different repository types. With ICAwES enterprise search solutions, you can integrate fields from multiple content repositories to create a single, integrated user search experience. In addition, the enterprise search solutions can use fields and facets in various ways to create diverse views of your search result set, thus helping you identify the hidden meaning of your unstructured content. This IBM Redbooks® Solution Guide explains, from a high level, how to build enterprise search solutions using ICAwES.
IBM® Content Analytics with Enterprise Search (ICAwES) addresses two categories of use cases: content analytics and enterprise search. Content analytics focuses on the analysis of a set of content to find patterns, trends, and anomalies in that content. Enterprise search focuses on the discovery and retrieval of documents by using various query and visual navigation techniques. The ICAwES enterprise search solutions can integrate fields from multiple content repositories to create a single, integrated user search experience. In addition, the enterprise search solutions can use fields and facets in various ways to create diverse views of your search result set, thus helping you identify the hidden meaning of your unstructured content. This IBM Redbooks® Solution Guide explains, from a high level, how to build enterprise search solutions with ICAwES.
The following figure shows how enterprise search solutions help you identify the hidden meaning of your content.
Figure 1. Enterprise Search solutions help you identify the hidden meaning of your content
Note: For ease of reference, we use "enterprise search solutions" to refer to the enterprise search solutions that are built on top of ICAwES.
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