Journaling: How to View and More Easily Audit Minimized Journal Entries on the IBM System i Platform
Web Doc
Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.
The IBM System i platform provides a novel but often under-used feature known as "minimizing journal entries". This space-saving feature became available in V5R1 and has been enhanced in V5R4.
Support for Minimized Entry Data (*MINENTDTA) was announced in V5R1. Many users have said that this feature can save substantial space, but auditors do not let them use it because the auditors have trouble deciphering the resulting images. Now V5R4 offers Auditable (viewable) minimized journal entries, which makes it easier for the auditors to see the results.
While you may have already known this and tried using the new V5R4 MINENTDTA(*FLDBDY) setting, you might still be confused about how to decode the data in the resulting journal entries. This Technote explains how to:
- Determine which journals are good candidates for Auditable Journal Minimal Data (JMD)
- Enable Auditable JMD on your system
- Generate human readable minimized journal entries
- Decode the resulting minimized journal entries
Written by Amanda Fogarty, Software Engineer
IBM Systems & Technology Group
Development System i Journaling
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