Finding the Informix Dynamic Server Port Number on Linux
Web Doc
Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.
This tip provides information to help determine the Linux port number to use for Informix Dynamic Server when integrating with WebSphere.
1. Host name
Most of this information has to be given by the database administrator, but you may be able to find some of the information yourself. In this section we show how to find the port number configured for an IDS server instance.
Steps to find the port number
1. Log into the Linux server with the user ID that was given by the database administrator (in our case, itso).
2. Open the sqlhosts file. You have to know the location of this file since it can be in any directory, using the INFORMIXSQLHOSTS environment variable. You must ask your database administrator if this variable is set. If so, get the value stored and open the file:
4. Now that we know the service name we need to find out the TCP/IP port assigned to it. To do that open the /etc/services file.
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