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IBM z16 Technical Introduction

An IBM Redbooks publication


Published on 04 April 2023, updated 11 October 2023

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ISBN-10: 0738461083
ISBN-13: 9780738461083
IBM Form #: SG24-8950-01

Authors: Octavian Lascu, Ewerson Palacio and Bill White

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This IBM® Redbooks® publication introduces the latest members of the IBM Z® family, IBM z16™, which is built with the IBM Telum™ processor and available in three different configuration options:

  • IBM z16 A01

  • IBM z16 A02

  • IBM z16 AGZ

The IBM Z platform is recognized for its security, resiliency, performance, and scale. It is relied on for mission-critical workloads and as an essential element of hybrid cloud infrastructures. IBM z16 adds capabilities and value with innovative technologies that are needed to accelerate the digital transformation journey.

This book explains how IBM z16 innovations and traditional IBM Z strengths satisfy the growing demand for cloud, analytics, and a more flexible infrastructure. With IBM z16 as the base, applications can run in a trusted, reliable, and secure environment that improves operations and lessens business risk.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Enduring the pace of digital transformation with IBM z16

Chapter 2. IBM z16 A01 hardware overview

Chapter 3. IBM z16 A02 and IBM z16 AGZ hardware overview

Chapter 4. Supported features and functions

Chapter 5. IBM z16 system design strengths

Chapter 6. Operating system support


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