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IBM Storage DS8A00 Architecture and Implementation Guide

An IBM Redbooks publication


Published on 04 December 2024, updated 20 December 2024

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ISBN-10: 0738461903
ISBN-13: 9780738461908
IBM Form #: SG24-8559-00

Authors: Vasfi Gucer, Sherry Brunson, Nino de Carvalho, Jeffery Cook, Michael Frankenberg, Carsten Haag, Peter Kimmel, Radoslav Neshev, Connie Riggins, Mike Stenson and Robert Tondini

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This IBM® Redbooks® publication describes the concepts, architecture, and implementation of the IBM DS8A00 family. The book provides reference information to assist readers who need to plan for, install, and configure the DS8000 G10 systems. This edition applies to DS8000 G10 systems with Licensed Machine Code (LMC) 7.10.0 (bundle version, referred to as Release 10.0.

The DS8000 G10 systems are all-flash exclusively, and currently two models and classes are offered:

- IBM DS8A50: Agility Class

The Agility Class consolidates all your mission-critical workloads for IBM Z®, IBM LinuxONE, IBM Power Systems, and distributed environments under a single all-flash storage solution.

- IBM DS8A10: Flexibility Class

The Flexibility Class reduces complexity while addressing various workloads at the lowest DS8000 family entry cost.

The DS8A00 architecture relies on powerful IBM POWER9+ processor-based servers that manage the cache to streamline disk input/output (I/O), which maximizes performance and throughput. These capabilities are further enhanced by High-Performance Flash Enclosures (HPFE) Gen-3.

Like its predecessors, the DS8A00 models support advanced disaster recovery (DR) solutions, business continuity solutions, and thin provisioning. In addition to several performance enhancements, they offer compression.

The predecessor DS8900F models are described in IBM Storage DS8900F Architecture and Implementation, SG24-8456, and IBM DS8910F Model 993 Rack-Mounted Storage System, REDP-5566.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Introducing the IBM DS8000 G10 storage system

Chapter 2. IBM DS8A00 hardware components and architecture

Chapter 3. Virtualization concepts

Chapter 4. IBM DS8A00 reliability, availability, and serviceability

Chapter 5. IBM DS8A00 physical planning and installation

Chapter 6. IBM DS8A00 Management Console planning and setup

Chapter 7. IBM DS8000 G10 features and licensed functions

Chapter 8. IBM DS8000 G10 configuration flow

Chapter 9. IBM DS8000 G10 Storage Management GUI

Chapter 10. IBM DS8A00 Storage Management Command-line Interface

Chapter 11. Licensed Machine Code

Chapter 12. Monitoring and support