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IBM Storage Defender: IBM Data Management Service and IBM Data Protect

An IBM Redbooks publication


Published on 19 March 2025

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ISBN-10: 0738462047
ISBN-13: 9780738462042
IBM Form #: SG24-8554-00

Authors: Christopher Vollmar, Christian Burns, Paul Conway, Phillip Gerrard, Gary Graham, Richard Hurst, Juan Carlos Jimenez, James Morassutti, Jack Tedjai, Dan Thompson and Christopher Vollmar

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This IBM Redbooks® publication provides an overview of IBM Storage Defender Data Management Service (DMS) and IBM Storage Defender Data Protect (DP), which includes information to better understand how IBM Storage Defender protects many different workloads and integrates with IBM Storage Protect for offload and archival purposes. Configuration and usage examples are provided to further explore defining and configuring protection policies.

This document is intended for use by system administrators and anyone wanting to learn more about implementing IBM Storage Defender DMS and IBM Storage Defender DP.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Introducing IBM Storage Defender

Chapter 2. IBM Storage Defender: Data Management Service

Chapter 3. IBM Storage Defender Data Protect

Chapter 4. Protecting VMware workloads with IBM Data Protect

Chapter 5. Rapid restore of virtual machines

Chapter 6. Integrating IBM Storage Defender DP with IBM Storage Protect