Enterprises invested millions of dollars and spent decades on developing their on-premises infrastructure. As technology advances, so has the need to leverage that infrastructure, yet still modernize the enterprises’ software portfolio to use more contemporary infrastructure, tools, and languages.
Enterprises require a unified, flexible, cost-optimal hybrid cloud with portable microservices and a reliable and securable on-premises infrastructure for data-intensive AI and mission-critical workloads. A hybrid cloud can help enterprises integrate their public and private clouds with their on-premises infrastructure.
Red Hat OpenShift is the core element of hybrid cloud approach from IBM® with IBM Z® and IBM LinuxONE.
This IBM Redbooks publication explains the capabilities of an integrated on-premises cloud that is based on a Red Hat OpenShift environment and includes a full stack of virtualization options and infrastructure management options, such as:
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Introduction to IBM Cloud Infrastructure Center
Chapter 3. Red Hat OpenShift overview
Chapter 4. Storage options
Chapter 5. Aspects of cloud applications