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IBM Cloud Object Storage System Product Guide (For on-premises IBM Cloud Object Storage installations)

An IBM Redbooks publication


Published on 14 June 2023, updated 01 February 2024

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ISBN-10: 0738460133
ISBN-13: 9780738460130
IBM Form #: SG24-8439-03

Authors: Vasfi Gucer, Chris de Almeida, Joe Dorio, Israel Feygelman, Max Huber, Michael Knieriemen, Lars Lauber, Jussi Lehtinen and Jaswinder Singh Saini

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Object storage is the primary storage solution that is used in the cloud and on-premises solutions as a central storage platform for unstructured data. IBM Cloud Object Storage is a software-defined storage (SDS) platform that breaks down barriers for storing massive amounts of data by optimizing the placement of data on commodity x86 servers across the enterprise.

This IBM Redbooks® publication describes the major features, use case scenarios, deployment options, configuration details, initial customization, performance, and scalability considerations of IBM Cloud Object Storage on-premises offering. For more information about the IBM Cloud Object Storage architecture and technology that is behind the product, see IBM Cloud Object Storage Concepts and Architecture , REDP-5537.

The target audience for this publication is IBM Cloud Object Storage IT specialists and storage administrators.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. IBM Cloud Object Storage System overview

Chapter 2. Planning and sizing an IBM Cloud Object Storage System

Chapter 3. IBM Cloud Object Storage Gen2 hardware appliances

Chapter 4. Deployment options

Chapter 5. Initial setup and configuration

Chapter 6. Scalability

Chapter 7. IBM Cloud Object Storage System File Access


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