ISBN-10: 0738442623
ISBN-13: 9780738442624
IBM Form #: SG24-8398-00
Authors: Sebastian Vergara, Mohamed El-Khouly, Mariam El Tantawi, Shireesh Marla and Lak Sri
The Building Cognitive Applications with IBM Watson Services series is a seven-volume collection that introduces IBM® Watson™ cognitive computing services. The series includes an overview of specific IBM Watson® services with their associated architectures and simple code examples. Each volume describes how you can use and implement these services in your applications through practical use cases.
The series includes the following volumes:
Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, this collection provides the information you need to start your research on Watson services. If your goal is to become more familiar with Watson in relation to your current environment, or if you are evaluating cognitive computing, this collection can serve as a powerful learning tool.
This IBM Redbooks® publication, Volume 7, introduces the Watson Natural Language Understanding service. This service is a collection of text analysis functions that derive semantic information from your content. This book includes a basic description of several of the Natural Language Understanding service features and provides sample code snippets to demonstrate their use. This book includes an example of an application that integrates the Watson Natural Language Understanding service with the Watson Personality Insights and Insights for Twitter services to create a simple application to analyze Tweets from a Twitter handle. You can develop and deploy the sample applications by following along in a step-by-step approach and using provided code snippets. Alternatively, you can download an existing Git project to more quickly deploy the application.
Chapter 1. Basics of Watson Natural Language Understanding service
Chapter 2. Creating a Natural Language Understanding service in Bluemix
Chapter 3. Sentiment and personality analysis
Appendix A. Additional material