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Integrating IBM PureApplication System into an Existing Data Center

An IBM Redbooks publication


Published on 19 November 2015

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ISBN-10: 0738441120
ISBN-13: 9780738441122
IBM Form #: SG24-8285-00

Authors: E Alan Booth, Erhan Ekici, Venkata Gadepalli, Rajeev Gandhi, Addison Goering, Ivan Pryanichnikov, Vincent T Tran and Hendrik Van Run

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This IBM® Redbooks® publication helps you with the integration of IBM PureApplication® System and IBM PureApplication Software into an existing data center. This publication describes certain scenarios that are considered critical (based on IBM client experiences) for a successful implementation of PureApplication Software or PureApplication System into an existing data center. It covers the planning, installation, and configuration of both PureApplication System and PureApplication Software.

Both PureApplication System and PureApplication Software offer on-premises solutions that use proven patterns to extend your applications, reduce cost and complexity, and ease management.

This book is useful for solution specialists, system or software architects, and the IT teams who need more in-depth knowledge about the integration of PureApplication System and PureApplication Software.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Overview

Chapter 2. Data center planning for an IBM PureApplication installation

Chapter 3. IBM PureApplication installation

Chapter 4. IBM PureApplication multi-system environment

Chapter 5. Storage

Chapter 6. Monitoring

Chapter 7. Operating system maintenance

Chapter 8. IBM middleware maintenance

Chapter 9. System and integrated components maintenance

Chapter 10. Backup and restore

Chapter 11. Security

Chapter 12. Service and Support Manager

Chapter 13. IBM PureApplication System command-line interface and REST API

Chapter 14. Chef


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