Published on 17 October 2016
ISBN-10: 0738442089
ISBN-13: 9780738442082
IBM Form #: SG24-8262-01
Authors: Keith Winnard, Jose Gilberto Biondo Jr and Alvaro Salla
This IBM® Redbooks® publication gives a broad understanding of integrated catalog facility (ICF) catalog environments. It includes suggestions for design, planning, and deployment tasks to help you create and maintain a balanced and efficient catalog environment.
Four scenarios are provided to illustrate sample implementations of typical activities that are associated with an organization’s requirements.
Chapter 5, “Record-level sharing support for ICF catalogs” describes Record Level Sharing (RLS) for Catalogs and shows the results of our tests in a controlled laboratory environment.
This version of the book is set at the IBM z/OS V2R2 level.
This publication is for readers who want to gain an understanding of ICF catalogs and the considerations and practices that surround an ICF catalog environment deployment.
Chapter 1. ICF Technical overview
Chapter 2. Planning ICF environments
Chapter 3. Deploying ICF catalogs
Chapter 4. Maintaining ICF catalogs
Chapter 5. Record-level sharing support for ICF catalogs