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Getting Started with IBM InfoSphere Optim Workload Replay for DB2

An IBM Redbooks publication


Published on 19 January 2015

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ISBN-10: 0738440396
ISBN-13: 9780738440392
IBM Form #: SG24-8221-00

Authors: Whei-Jen Chen, Nisanti Mohanraj, Hassi Norlen, Leif Pedersen, Patrick Titzler, Tom Toomire and John Vonau

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    This IBM® Redbooks® publication will help you install, configure, and use IBM InfoSphere® Optim™ Workload Replay (InfoSphere Workload Replay), a web-based tool that lets you capture real production SQL workload data and then replay the workload data in a pre-production environment. With InfoSphere Workload Replay, you can set up and run realistic tests for enterprise database changes without the need to create a complex client and application infrastructure to mimic your production environment.

    The publication goes through the steps to install and configure the InfoSphere Workload Replay appliance and related database components for IBM DB2® for Linux, UNIX, and Windows and for DB2 for IBM z/OS®. The capture, replay, and reporting process, including user ID and roles management, is described in detail to quickly get you up and running.

    Ongoing operations, such as appliance health monitoring, starting and stopping the product, and backup and restore in your day-to-day management of the product, extensive troubleshooting information, and information about how to integrate InfoSphere Workload Replay with other InfoSphere products are covered in separate chapters.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1. Overview

    Chapter 2. Deployment planning

    Chapter 3. Installing and configuring IBM InfoSphere Optim Workload Replay appliances

    Chapter 4. IBM InfoSphere Optim Workload Replay for DB2 for z/OS installation and configuration

    Chapter 5. DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows S-TAP installation and configuration

    Chapter 6. Capturing and replaying workloads

    Chapter 7. Ongoing operations

    Chapter 8. Integration with other tools

    Chapter 9. Troubleshooting

    Appendix A. Worksheets and references


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