ISBN-10: 0738441651
ISBN-13: 9780738441658
IBM Form #: SG24-8122-03
Authors: Larry Coyne, Robert Beiderbeck, Katja Denefleh, Joe Hew, Sosuke Matsui, Aderson Pacini, Markus Schäfer, Michael Scott and Chen Zhu
Note: The IBM TS7700 Release 4.0 Guide, SG24-8366 is available at:
IBM® TS7700 is a family of mainframe virtual tape solutions that optimize data protection and business continuance for IBM z Systems™ data. Through the use of virtualization and disk cache, the TS7700 family operates at disk speeds while maintaining compatibility with existing tape operations. Its fully integrated tiered storage hierarchy takes advantage of both disk and tape technologies to deliver performance for active data and best economics for inactive and archive data. This IBM Redbooks® publication describes the TS7700 R3.3 architecture, planning, migration, implementation, and operations.
The latest TS7700 family of z Systems tape virtualization is offered as two models:
Both models write data by policy to physical tape through attachment to high-capacity, high-performance IBM TS1150 and earlier IBM 3592 model tape drives that are installed in IBM TS3500 tape libraries. Physical tape support is optional on TS7720. TS7700 R3.3 also supports external key management for disk-based encryption by using IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager.
This book intended for system architects who want to integrate their storage systems for smoother operation.
Part 1. Architecture and planning
Chapter 1. Introducing the IBM TS7700
Chapter 2. Architecture, components, and functional characteristics
Chapter 3. IBM TS7700 usage considerations
Chapter 4. Preinstallation planning and sizing
Part 2. Implementation and migration
Chapter 5. IBM TS7700 implementation
Chapter 6. Hardware configurations and upgrade considerations
Chapter 7. Migration
Part 3. Operation
Chapter 8. Operation
Chapter 9. Host Console operations
Chapter 10. Performance and monitoring
Chapter 11. Copy Export
Chapter 12. Disaster recovery
Part 4. Appendixes
Appendix A. Feature codes and RPQ
Appendix B. IBM TS7700 implementation for IBM z/VM, IBM z/VSE, and IBM z/TPF environments
Appendix C. JES3 examples and information
Appendix D. DEVSERV QLIB command
Appendix E. Sample job control language
Appendix F. Library Manager volume categories
Appendix G. IBM TS7700 parameter examples
Appendix H. Extra IODF examples
Appendix I. Case study for logical partitioning of a two-cluster grid