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JES3 to JES2 Migration Considerations

An IBM Redbooks publication


Published on 09 December 2014

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ISBN-10: 0738440159
ISBN-13: 9780738440156
IBM Form #: SG24-8083-00

Authors: Frank Kyne, Karan Singh, Bruce Dennis, Brad Habbershaw, John A. O'Leary, John Unterholzner and Tom Wasik

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    This book deals with the migration from JES3 to JES2. Part One describes this decision. Part Two describes the steps and considerations of this migration.

    This IBM® Redbooks® publication provides information to help clients that have JES3 and would like to migrate to JES2. It provides a comprehensive list of the differences between the two job entry subsystems and provides information to help you determine the migration effort and actions.

    The book is aimed at operations personnel, system programmers, and application developers.

    Table of Contents

    Part 1. The decision to migrate from JES3 to JES2

    Chapter 1. How JES2 works

    Chapter 2. Terminology differences

    Chapter 3. Differences between JES2 and JES3 are becoming smaller

    Chapter 4. JECL and JCL differences

    Chapter 5. Migration considerations

    Part 2. Details of the migration

    Chapter 6. Planning for a JES3 to JES2 migration

    Chapter 7. JES procs and initialization decks

    Chapter 8. User exits

    Chapter 9. Operational considerations

    Chapter 10. Related products

    Chapter 11. Security considerations

    Chapter 12. Workload Manager considerations

    Chapter 13. Performance and throughput considerations

    Chapter 14. Output processing

    Chapter 15. NJE considerations

    Chapter 16. Accounting and chargeback considerations

    Chapter 17. Availability considerations

    Appendix A. Sample JES3 exit to analyze JECL usage

    Appendix B. Comparison of JES3 and JES2 commands


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