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RACF Remote Sharing Facility over TCP/IP

An IBM Redbooks publication


Published on 30 August 2012

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ISBN-10: 0738437050
ISBN-13: 9780738437057
IBM Form #: SG24-8041-00

Authors: Karan Singh, Rama Ayyar, Mike Onghena, Phil Peters, Arunkumar Ramachandran, Philippe Richard and Roland Schwahn

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    The IBM RACF® remote sharing facility (RRSF) allows RACF to communicate with other IBM z/OS® systems that use RACF, allowing you to maintain remote RACF databases. RRSF support for the security administrator provides these benefits:

    • Administration of RACF databases from anywhere in the RRSF network
    • Creation of User ID associations for password and password phrase synchronization
    • Automatic synchronization of databases

    Before to z/OS V1R13, RRSF only supported the APPC protocol. With z/OS release V1R13, TCP/IP can be used to extend the RACF Remote Sharing Facility (RRSF) functionality to a network of RRSF nodes capable of communicating over the TCP/IP protocol. Using TCP/IP connections for RRSF nodes provides advantages over APPC such as improved security, including stronger encryption levels.

    This IBM® Redbooks® publication addresses the issue of implementing a new RRSF network using the TCP/IP protocol. It covers planning, implementation, and operational issues for deploying RRSF using TCP/IP. In addition, It addresses migration of an RRSF network from APPC to TCP/IP, including in-depth examples of the migration process.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1. Introduction

    Chapter 2. Planning

    Chapter 3. Configuring RRSF for TCP/IP

    Chapter 4. Converting APPC connections to TCP connections

    Chapter 5. Operations


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