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z/OS Version 1 Release 13 Implementation

An IBM Redbooks publication


Published on 13 March 2012, updated 27 March 2012

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ISBN-10: 0738436224
ISBN-13: 9780738436227
IBM Form #: SG24-7946-00

Authors: Paul Rogers, Diniz Bortolotto, Robert Hering, George Kozakos, Lutz Kuehner, Jean-Louis Lafitte, Diana Nakajima, Paulo Nascimento, Nelson Oliveira, Gil Peleg, Giancarlo Rodolfi, Anthony Soares and Joao Zanon

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This IBM® Redbooks® publication provides information about installation and migration changes to be aware of if you are responsible for migrating systems from IBM z/OS® V1R10, z/OS V1R11, and z/OS V1R12 to z/OS V1R13.

It also highlights actions that are needed to prepare for the installation of z/OS V1R12, including ensuring driving system and target system requirements are met and coexistence requirements are satisfied.

There is a special focus on identifying new migration actions that must be performed for selected elements when migrating to z/OS V1R13.

The book addresses the following topics:

- z/OS V1R13 overview, z/OS V1R13 installation, managing volume backups with fast replication, XCF enhancements, console service enhancements

- DFSMSdfp, DFSMSoam, DFSMShsm, ISPF enhancements, DFSMSrmm enhancements, establishing IBM RACF® security for RRSF TCP/IP connections

- GRS enhancements, BCP supervisor, contents supervisor and RSM updates, improved channel recovery, Service aids enhancements, System Logger - SMF

- z/OS UNIX System Services, z/OS UNIX-related applications, RRS, z/OS Management Facility, z/OS HCD and HCM, C language

- Storage management enhancements, Common Information Model, Predictive Failure Analysis, Extended Address Volume, BCPii, Capacity Provisioning

- System SSL enhancements, UNICODE, IBM Language Environment®, SDSF enhancements, JES2 enhancements, JES3 enhancements, IBM RMF™ enhancements

- IBM WebSphere® Application Server OEM, z/OSMF, CIM, and Capacity Provisioning setups

- BCPii Metal C example

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. IBM z/OS V1R13 overview

Chapter 2. z/OS V1R13 installation

Chapter 3. Managing volume backups with fast replication

Chapter 4. XCF enhancements

Chapter 5. Console services enhancements

Chapter 6. DFSMSdfp, DFSMSoam, and DFSMShsm

Chapter 7. ISPF enhancements

Chapter 8. DFSMSrmm enhancements

Chapter 9. Establishing RACF security for RRSF TCP/IP connections

Chapter 10. GRS enhancements

Chapter 11. BCP supervisor, contents supervisor, and RSM updates

Chapter 12. Improved channel recovery

Chapter 13. Service aids enhancements

Chapter 14. System Logger - SMF

Chapter 15. z/OS UNIX System Services

Chapter 16. z/OS UNIX-related applications

Chapter 17. Resource Recovery Services

Chapter 18.IBM z/OS Management Facility

Chapter 19. z/OS Hardware Configuration Definition and Hardware Configuration Manager

Chapter 20. C language

Chapter 21. Storage management enhancements

Chapter 22. Common Information Model

Chapter 23. Predictive Failure Analysis

Chapter 24. Extended address volume

Chapter 25. Base Control Program internal interface

Chapter 26. Capacity Provisioning

Chapter 27. System SSL enhancements

Chapter 28. UNICODE support

Chapter 29. Language Environment enhancements

Chapter 30. SDSF enhancements

Chapter 31. JES2 enhancements

Chapter 32. JES3 enhancements

Chapter 33. Resource Management Facility enhancements

Chapter 34. z/OS Batch Runtime

Appendix A. Setting up WebSphere OEM, z/OSMF, CIM, and Capacity Provisioning

Appendix B. zFS commands

Appendix C. BCPii Metal C example


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