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DataPower SOA Appliance Service Planning, Implementation, and Best Practices

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 28 June 2011, updated 25 August 2011

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ISBN-10: 0738435732
ISBN-13: 9780738435732
IBM Form #: SG24-7943-00

Authors: Byron Braswell, David Shute, Daniel Dickerson, Richard Kinard, Manuel Carrizosa, Bruno Neves, Pablo Sanchez and Gerry Kaplan

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This IBM® Redbooks® publication will help you to better understand the effective use of the WebSphere® DataPower® family of appliances. It provides guidance on the best methods identified to date for building the various components that implement solutions, such as handling MQ-based message flows or creating authentication and authorization policies. The information and recommendations in this publication are the result of real world experiences using the appliances. Such experience shows that taking the time to plan a solution implementation before beginning the work yields the greatest savings in time and energy and the highest quality outcome. This publication begins with a checklist of items to consider when planning a DataPower solution.

This publication is intended to provide answers or guidance to implementation problems often encountered by users of the appliance. This book is not intended to present complete solutions or templates because experience shows that every customer uses the appliance in their own unique environment with unique requirements. Thus, this publication provides a compendium of information about particular aspects of a solution. Use the Table of Contents or Index to find your current issue, and return to this publication when the next issue or question arises.

Refer to the related IBM Redbooks publication entitled DataPower SOA Appliance Administration, Deployment, and Best Practices, SG24-7901 for more information.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Planning

Chapter 2. Service Implementation and Optimization

Chapter 3. Managing keys and Certificates

Chapter 4. Serviceability & Troubleshooting

Chapter 5. B2B Service Implementation


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