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Value Realization from Efficient Software Deployment

An IBM Redbooks publication


Published on 21 October 2011, updated 25 October 2011

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ISBN-10: 0738435813
ISBN-13: 9780738435817
IBM Form #: SG24-7934-00

Authors: Alex Kooijmans Louwe, Anshu Kak, Shaun A. Crain, Andrej Crepinsek, Venkata Gadepalli and Ian Hall

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    Many companies have a complex process for purchasing software that is required by IT projects, or better, by the business. Usually software is purchased by a centralized procurement function, and is either purchased on a project-by-project basis or as a large periodic software contract.

    Unfortunately purchasing software products does not automatically mean that these products are exploited throughout the organization providing the maximum possible value to the business units. Several issues call for a structured approach that gets the most business value out of software already purchased. The objectives of this approach are to:

    * Create maximum awareness throughout the organization of the software purchased.

    * Track software use in IT projects and act if products are not used at all, used improperly, or insufficiently used.

    * Facilitate use of software products in projects, especially when software products are complex and require a lot of integration.

    We can summarize the overall objective of this approach as ensuring that the business units in an organization obtain the maximum possible value of software products purchased, which is also the scope of this IBM® Redbooks® publication.

    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1. Software deployment perspectives and challenges

    Chapter 2. The IBM software deployment method

    Chapter 3. Accelerating software deployment using best practices

    Chapter 4. Accelerating software deployment using tools and assets

    Chapter 5. Using IBM Services to complement your skills and accelerate value

    Chapter 6. Building self-sufficiency using training

    Chapter 7. The value of maintaining IBM Software Subscription and Support (S&S)

    Chapter 8. How to effectively engage with IBM customer support

    Chapter 9. Software deployment success stories from our clients

    Appendix A. The IBM Enterprise License Agreement

    Appendix B. Managing complex software deployment projects

    Appendix C. Services offerings


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