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IBM System Storage N series and VMware vSphere Storage Best Practices

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 21 July 2010

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ISBN-10: 0738434493
ISBN-13: 9780738434490
IBM Form #: SG24-7871-00

Authors: Alex Osuna, Roland Tretau, Peter Learmonth, Michael Slisinger, Vaughn Stewart and Larry Touchette

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IBM® System Storage® N series technology enables companies to extend their virtual infrastructures to include the benefits of advanced storage virtualization. The N series offers unified storage solutions that provide industry-leading technologies in the areas of storage efficiencies, instantaneous virtual machine and datastore cloning for virtual servers and virtual desktops, and virtual data center backup and business continuance solutions.

This IBM Redbooks® publication reviews the best practices for anyone who is implementing VMware® vSphere with N series unified storage arrays.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Concepts

Chapter 2. N series configuration and setup

Chapter 3. VMware ESX FC, FCOE, and iSCSI storage configuration

Chapter 4. VMware native multipathing

Chapter 5. NFS storage best practices

Chapter 6. The N series VMware ESX Host Utilities

Chapter 7. FC and FCoE storage networking best practices

Chapter 8. Ethernet storage networking best practices

Chapter 9. Configuring Ethernet storage networks

Chapter 10. Increasing storage utilization

Chapter 11. Virtual Machine best practices

Chapter 12. Virtual Machine storage layout

Chapter 13. Storage monitoring and management

Chapter 14. Disk-based Snapshot backups for VMware

Appendix A. Configuring SSH on VMware ESX servers and N series systems

Appendix B. Relocating the pagefile in Windows Virtual Machines


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