WebSphere Application Server V7 Messaging Administration Guide
An IBM Redbooks publication
Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.
Published on 08 July 2009
ISBN-10: 0738433055
ISBN-13: 9780738433059
IBM Form #: SG24-7770-00
Authors: Carla Sadtler, Leonard Blunt and Neela M Suram
WebSphere Application Server V7 supports asynchronous messaging based on the Java Message Service (JMS) and the Java EE Connector Architecture (JCA) specifications. Asynchronous messaging support provides applications with the ability to create, send, receive, and read asynchronous requests as messages. WebSphere Application Server provides a default messaging provider, as well as support for WebSphere MQ and generic messaging providers.
This IBM® Redbooks® publication provides information about the messaging features of WebSphere Application Server V7. It contains information about configuring, securing, and managing messaging resources, with a focus on the WebSphere default messaging provider.
Chapter 1. WebSphere Application Server asynchronous messaging support
Chapter 2. Default messaging provider concepts
Chapter 3. Default messaging provider configuration and management
Chapter 4. Securing the service integration bus