IBM WebSphere DataPower B2B Appliance XB60 Revealed
An IBM Redbooks publication
Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.
Published on 24 April 2009
ISBN-10: 0738432830
ISBN-13: 9780738432830
IBM Form #: SG24-7745-00
Authors: Richard Kinard, Bill Barrus, Hector Garcia, Terrill Kramer and Tamika Moody
The IBM® WebSphere® DataPower® B2B Appliance XB60 is a purpose-built, easy-to-use appliance that incorporates business-to-business (B2B) and integration functions into a consolidated B2B-i solution, providing a high-performance and security-enhanced B2B solution for trading partner connections.
Part 1 of this IBM Redbooks® publication provides a brief introduction to B2B and how the technology has evolved over the years along with a description of the most common B2B technologies and an overview of the IBM Software Services for WebSphere B2B Deployment methodology.
Part 2 of this book provides step-by-step information related to the installation and configuration of the appliance and troubleshooting tips to use to resolve common configuration issues.
Part 3 of this book provides common B2B scenarios that demonstrate how to integrate with other IBM products and how to trade EDI, XML, and binary data utilizing AS2 and AS3 B2B messaging protocols.
This book was developed as a guide for anyone who is interested in deploying B2B integration solutions utilizing purpose-built appliances.
Introduction to business to business integration (B2Bi)
Chapter 1. Business-to-business concepts
Chapter 2. B2B technologies and standards
Chapter 3. B2B deployment methodology
Chapter 4. Aspects of B2B security
Chapter 5. WebSphere DataPower B2B Appliance XB60
Part 2. Getting started with the XB60
Chapter 6. Device setup and administrative tasks
Chapter 7. B2B configuration options
Chapter 8. Configuration management
Chapter 9. Troubleshooting the appliance
Part 3. B2B patterns and service-oriented architecture (SOA) integration
Chapter 10. XB60 and WTX integration for HIPAA
Chapter 11. XB60 with transformation
Chapter 12. Trading outbound binary documents using the B2B Gateway Service
Chapter 13. Trading binary documents using a Multi-Protocol Gateway service
Chapter 14. Handling SOAP Messages with Attachments in a B2B environment
Appendix A. Additional material