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Developing Connector Applications for CICS

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 29 April 2009

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ISBN-10: 0738432814
ISBN-13: 9780738432816
IBM Form #: SG24-7714-00

Authors: Michael G Connolly, John Kurian, Lokanadham Nalla, Andrew Smithson and Dennis Weiand

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This IBM Redbooks publication focuses on application development using the CICS Transaction Gateway V7 programming interfaces for access to CICS, including Java, JCA, C, and .NET client development. This Redbooks publication also includes the exploitation of the new CICS TS V3 Channels and Containers programming model for exchange of large payloads, support for the J2C beans provided by Rational Application Developer, and the invocation of CICS programs from the .NET environment.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Introduction to CICS TG

Chapter 2. Developing CICS TG Applications

Chapter 3. Channels and Containers

Chapter 4. Java Based Sample Application

Chapter 5. J2C Application Development With Rational Application Developer

Chapter 6. Developing a C application using ECIv2

Chapter 7. Migrating a Client application to ECIv2

Appendix A. Data conversion techniques

Appendix B. Java Sample Code

Appendix C. Sample ECIv2 client

Appendix D. CICS Samples

Appendix E. Additional material


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