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IBM System z10 Enterprise Class Configuration Setup

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 26 July 2008

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ISBN-10: 0738485128
ISBN-13: 9780738485126
IBM Form #: SG24-7571-00

Authors: Franck Injey, Peter Hoyle, Masaya Nakagawa, Frank Packheiser and Karan Singh

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This document will help you install, configure, and maintain the IBM® System z10™ Enterprise Class server. The System z10 offers new functions that require a comprehensive understanding of available configuration options. This publication presents configuration setup scenarios, and discusses implementation examples in detail.

It is intended for systems engineers, hardware planners, and anyone who needs to understand System z™ configuration and implementation. Readers are expected to be generally familiar with current IBM System z technology and terminology.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Channel Subsystem overview

Chapter 2. Configuration planning

Chapter 3. MES upgrade from System z9 EC to z10 EC

Chapter 4. Replace a System z9 EC with a z10 EC

Chapter 5. Install an additional System z10 EC

Chapter 6. Install a new System z10 EC

Chapter 7. Server Time Protocol setup

Chapter 8. Crypto Express2 configuration

Chapter 9. Reserved logical partitions


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