ISBN-10: 0738489654
ISBN-13: 9780738489650
IBM Form #: SG24-7510-00
Authors: Jim Cook, Jana Jamsek, Dan Johansson and Kohichiroh Nishiue
This IBM Redbooks publication provides a getting started level of information about supporting the IBM Virtualization Engine TS7510 under i5/OS, primarily using the Backup Recovery and Media Services (BRMS), 5722-BR1, management product. BRMS is the primary backup and recovery management product for i5/OS.
This book cannot make you an expert in i5/OS backup and recovery or in the use of BRMS. It also cannot make you an expert in full usage and management of the IBM Virtualization Engine TS7510 capabilities. More complete coverage of the TS7510 is included in the book IBM Virtualization Engine TS7510: Tape Virtualization for Open Systems Servers, SG24-7189.
However, this book does provide sufficient information and examples to get you up and running with the IBM Virtualization Engine TS7510 attached to an i5/OS partition or system using BRMS. This book also helps you to understand where the IBM Virtualization Engine TS7510 can fit into your complete set of backup and recovery processes where multiple systems or servers, or logical partitions have to save data to a common repository. The TS7510 helps you to minimize your backup window, facilitates data sharing among the multiple systems, and helps you to minimize your total cost of ownership (TCO) in the backup and recovery area.
Chapter 1. Why virtual tape on the System i family?
Chapter 2. Description and terminology of the TS7510
Chapter 3. Planning for i5/OS and the TS7510
Chapter 4. Hardware and software requirements
Chapter 5. Installation and basic setup
Chapter 6. i5/OS, BRMS, and TS7510 in action examples
Chapter 7. Measuring, monitoring, and problem determination
Appendix A. Sizing and performance examples
Appendix B. BRMS packaging overview