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Using the IBM System Storage N series with Mail Servers

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 11 December 2007

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ISBN-10: 0738486574
ISBN-13: 9780738486574
IBM Form #: SG24-7483-00

Authors: Alex Osuna, Patrick Március Médice Bisi, Prashanta Kumar Goswami, Sven Schaffranneck and Haijiang Sha

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This IBM Redbooks publication gives mail database administrators a introduction to the IBM System Storage N series. It also gives both storage administrators and mail database administrators the information to prepare, install, and administer the IBM System Storage N series when used in conjunction with Microsoft Exchange and IBM Lotus Domino. Often the lines of responsibility with regards to these tasks are blurred or crossed over, so some sections of this book may be redundant for experienced N series administrators but of importance to mail database administrators. Conversely, some sections that may be redundant for mail database administrators may help storage administrators.

Table of Contents

Part 1. Introduction

Chapter 1. Introduction to IBM System Storage N series

Chapter 2. Introduction to IBM Lotus Domino 7

Chapter 3. Introduction to Microsoft Exchange

Part 2. Preparing the IBM System Storage N series for Lotus Domino and Microsoft Exchange

Chapter 4. Preparing the IBM System Storage N series for IBM Lotus Domino 7

Chapter 5. Preparing the IBM System Storage N series for Microsoft Exchange

Part 3. Installing Lotus Domino Server and Microsoft Exchange on the IBM System Storage N series

Chapter 6. Installing Microsoft Exchange on IBM System Storage N series

Chapter 7. Installing Lotus Domino on IBM System Storage N series

Part 4. IBM System Storage System operations with Lotus Domino Server and Microsoft Exchange

Chapter 8. IBM System Storage N series administration with Lotus Domino Server and Microsoft Exchange

Chapter 9. Backup and restore of Microsoft Exchange servers using IBM System Storage N series

Chapter 10. Backup and restore of Lotus Domino server

Appendix A. Integrating Lotus Domino for Windows and IBM System Storage N series


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