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Introduction to Workload Partition Management in IBM AIX Version 6.1

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 15 November 2007

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ISBN-10: 073848654X
ISBN-13: 9780738486543
IBM Form #: SG24-7431-00

Authors: Chris Almond, Bruno Blanchard, Pedro Coelho, Mary Hazuka, Jerry Petru and Theeraphong Thitayanun

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This IBM Red paper books publication presents Workload Partitions (WPARs), a set of completely new software-based system virtualization features introduced in IBM AIX Version 6.1.

Adding WPARs to the AIX operating system provides a new level of system virtualization capability. WPARs complement the already existing AIX and System p virtualization features, by allowing:

- The partitioning of an AIX instance into multiple environments, each hosting applications and providing isolation from applications executing in the other environments

- The ability to checkpoint and restart execution of applications without modification of the application code

- The capability to relocate a live application into a different AIX instance, whether it is hosted in an LPAR of the same physical server or executing on a different physical server

- Fine-grained control of resource utilization by each application executing within an AIX instance

Table of Contents

Part 1. Introduction and planning

Chapter 1. Introduction to workload partition technology in AIX 6

Chapter 2. Understanding and planning for WPARs

Part 2. Using WPARs: Management and operation

Chapter 3. Overview of WPAR management tools

Chapter 4. State management

Chapter 5. System administration tasks

Chapter 6. IBM WPAR Manager for AIX

Chapter 7. Resource control

Chapter 8. Device management

Part 3. Appendixes

Appendix A. Modified AIX commands


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