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Working with IBM Records Manager

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 07 August 2007

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ISBN-10: 0738489328
ISBN-13: 9780738489322
IBM Form #: SG24-7389-00

Authors: Wei-Dong Zhu, Serena S Chan, Gunther Flaig, Yi Wang, Keith Wheeler, R. Hogg and Yolanda Yates

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    In a corporate environment, documents are usually created or captured in a decentralized environment with no overall surveillance. Many corporations have no formal process of retaining these documents as records, which can increase storage costs. In addition, when litigation requests occur, companies can spend a huge amount of money and resources to locate records. In the case when a company is not able to locate records or to locate them on a timely manner, the company is subjected to a financial penalty or, more importantly, damage to the company's reputation.

    IBM Records Manager is an application and an engine that provides records management capabilities to existing business applications. It provides a single and consistent records management platform to help companies meet government and industry requirements for formal records management.

    This IBM Redbooks publication provides an introduction to records management and IBM Records Manager. Solution architects, designers, and implementers who plan to implement IBM Records Manager will find this book useful. It also serves as a guide for system administrators or records administrators in performing common records management administration tasks in IBM Records Manager. Lastly, the first part of this book serves as a good starting point for anyone who is interested in exploring the world of records management.

    Table of Contents

    Part 1. Basic concepts and IBM Records Manager product overview

    Chapter 1. Records management

    Chapter 2. Retention schedule and a file plan

    Chapter 3. Declaration and classification

    Chapter 4. Security

    Chapter 5. Disposition, discovery, and hold

    Part 2. Solution implementation

    Chapter 6. IBM Records Manager system components

    Chapter 7. Product and solution installation

    Chapter 8. File plan creation

    Chapter 9. Retention schedule creation

    Chapter 10. Profiles and custom attributes

    Chapter 11. Declaration and classification configuration

    Chapter 12. Search and reporting

    Chapter 13. Auditing and monitoring

    Chapter 14. Records disposition

    Part 3: Appendixes

    Appendix A. Function access names, permissions, and their abbreviations


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