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IBM System z Strengths and Values

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 12 May 2008

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ISBN-10: 0738431028
ISBN-13: 9780738431024
IBM Form #: SG24-7333-01

Authors: Paola Bari, Philippe Comte, Andrea Corona, James Guilianelli, Douglas Lin, Werner Meiner, Michel Plouin, Marita Prassolo, Kristine Seigworth, Eran Yona and Linfeng Yu

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This IBM Redbooks publication describes the strengths and values of the IBM System z platform with special focus on IBM z/OS. Other System z operating systems are described briefly in relation to the values that customers can obtain from them while running on the System z hardware.

This book addresses the technical aspects of the System z environment and focuses on the business value of the System z solution, the overall role that it plays in the business enterprise, and how it offers an effective total cost of computing.

The target is the IT architect who is not familiar with the System z platform. System z architects will also be interested in this book for understanding the important role that the System z environment plays in the business solution, especially with the deployment of new workloads and to address security, availability, and scalability.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. A business view

Chapter 2. System z architecture and HW platform

Chapter 3. System z software

Chapter 4. Security

Chapter 5. Resiliency

Chapter 6. System Management

Chapter 7. Consolidation

Chapter 8. Enterprise hub for SOA: integrating and extending assets

Chapter 9. Enterprise hub for data

Chapter 10. Conclusion


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