DB2 9 pureXML Guide
An IBM Redbooks publication
Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.
Published on 23 January 2007, updated 16 August 2007
ISBN-10: 0738489832
ISBN-13: 9780738489834
IBM Form #: SG24-7315-01
Authors: Whei-Jen Chen, Art Sammartino, Dobromir Goutev, Felicity Hendricks, Ippei Komi, Ming-Pang Wei, Rav Ahuja and Matthias Nicola
IBM DB2 9 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows marks a new stage in the evolution of data servers. IBM has continually led the data management industry with the release of innovative technology. DB2 9 is a new generation data server with revolutionary pureXML technology. This technology in DB2 9 fundamentally transforms the way XML information is managed for maximum return while seamlessly integrating XML with relational data.
In this IBM Redbooks publication we discuss the pureXML data store, hybrid database design, and administration. We describe XML schemas, industry standards, and how to manage schemas. We also cover SQL/XML, XQuery, and XPath using easy-to-understand examples. Lastly, we show how to use XML technology efficiently in business applications.
Chapter 1. Introducing DB2 9: pureXML
Chapter 2. Sample scenario description
Chapter 3. XML database design
Chapter 4. Working with XML
Chapter 5. Managing XML data
Chapter 6. Application development
Appendix A. Sample data
Appendix B. Additional material