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z/TPF and WebSphere Application Server in a Service Oriented Architecture

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 27 April 2007

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ISBN-10: 0738486191
ISBN-13: 9780738486192
IBM Form #: SG24-7309-00

Authors: Joe DeCarlo, Barry Baker, Edwin van de Grift, Jason Keenaghan, Dong Jun Lan, Bill Supon, Stuart Waldron and Dan Weber

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    In the simplest terms, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a means by which unlike (or like) systems can communicate with one other despite differences between each system’s heritage. The goal of SOA is allow the owning enterprises to combine the functionality of these systems so they can apply the functions to their business needs.

    This book shows you how you can exploit z/TPF as a transaction server, participating in a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) structure alongside WebSphere Application Server.

    After introducing z/TPF and the technologies critical to SOA, we position z/TPF as a provider in an SOA by explaining SOAP processing, communication bindings, and eXtensible Markup Language (XML) on z/TPF. Next, we show an SOA implementation example with z/TPF and WebSphere Application Server and discuss the use of z/TPF and Web services from a client perspective. We conclude with a discussion of z/TPF in an open systems environment.

    The book is organized as follows:

    Part 1. Overview and introduction to z/TPF

    Part 2. z/TPF as a provider in a Service Oriented Architecture

    Part 3. A Service Oriented Architecture example with z/TPF and WebSphere Application Server

    Part 4. z/TPF and Web Services from a client perspective

    Part 5. z/TPF in an open systems environment

    Table of Contents

    Part 1. Overview

    Chapter 1. An introduction to z/TPF and its role in a Service Oriented Architecture

    Chapter 2. Technologies

    Part 2. z/TPF as a provider in a Service Oriented Architecture

    Chapter 3. z/TPF SOAP processing

    Chapter 4. z/TPF communications bindings

    Chapter 5. XML on z/TPF

    Part 3. z/TPF as a Web Service provider and consumer

    Chapter 6. z/TPF application as Web Service provider

    Chapter 7. Web Service consumer

    Part 4. SOA adoption in a transaction processing enterprise

    Chapter 8. Strategic SOA adoption at Marriott International, Inc.

    Part 5. z/TPF in an open systems environment

    Chapter 9. Porting open system applications to z/TPF system

    Chapter 10. z/TPF Internet mail server

    Chapter 11. Additional Examples of z/TPF in a SOA environment

    Chapter 12. Leveraging SOA with z/TPF

    Part 6. Appendixes

    Appendix A. Project environment and IBM TPF Toolkit for WebSphere Studio

    Appendix B. Workarounds

    Appendix C. Additional material


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