Deploying Mission Critical Applications With Linux on POWER
An IBM Redbooks publication
Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.
Published on 16 October 2007
ISBN-10: 0738486604
ISBN-13: 9780738486604
IBM Form #: SG24-7286-00
Authors: Stephen Hochstetler, Odilon Magroski Goulart Junior and Peter Glasmacher
This IBM Redbooks publication gives you the information you need to help you run mission critical applications in an IBM System p environment. Matching applications, such as SAP, and Linux highly available solutions with IBM System p systems provides you with the capabilities to produce a highly available solution.
This book will help you think through the process of setting up new solutions or help you review an existing solution. If you are on an previous generation IBM POWER server or running Linux on another architecture, this book will help you understand the benefits of moving your critical applications to Linux running on IBM System p servers.
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Solution requirements
Chapter 3. Solution methodology
Chapter 4. High Availability solutions
Chapter 5. Monitoring and measuring key metrics
Appendix A. High availability terminology
Appendix B. IBM System p RAS characteristics